• Resolved mfjram


    website: https://www.mfjram.com
    Theme: Mystique 1.46

    Problem 1: You see the Navigation bar, and when you’re at Home, it’s black with an arrow pointing down? Switch to any other category (ie Journals) and it doesn’t get highlighted and the arrow doesn’t show either.

    Problem 2: On top of the navigation bar to the right, there are two icons: one is blue for Twitter and one is orange for RSS.

    I can’t figure out how to change the twitter link to my link (It leads to twitter.com/wordpress, I want it to lead to twitter.com/jonathanmiranda) I have tried editing the widget but no luck. I had it before, but when I tried updating to 1.47 the Mystique Settings got messed up, so I switched back to 1.46 and now I don’t know what’s wrong.

    Question 1: If I want to make a header, what dimensions should I make it?


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  • I have got more or less the same problems. I too can’t figure out how to change the twitter link to mine. I would also like to remove the ‘My recent Tweets’ widget from my pages.Could anyone tell me how it can be done?

    This will fix the Twitter problems inside the WordPress Template.

    After some programming I figured out what the problem is and here is how you can fix it.

    1. Go into the WordPress dashboard click on appearance then click on widgets. Drag and drop the Twitter widget into the default side bar. Open the widget and change the Twitter account name.

    Keep reading we are not done yet!

    2. Now you have to go and refresh your blog page.

    3. Go back into the side bar and drag the widget to the bottom of the page into the inactive widgets section.

    4. Now refresh the blog home page again.

    5. Go into the inactive widgets section and drag the twitter widget into the default side bar once again and refresh the blog page.

    This time it should all be working showing your latest tweets and the twitter button up top on the left hand side of the navigation should have the link to your Twitter page not the default WordPress link.

    If you have any questions feel free to email me [email protected]

    I’ve tried your steps listed but to no avail. The regular twitter sidebar widget works, but it’s not themed — it has no cute bird (with requisite accurate twitter link).

    How might one retain the cute bird while still listing twitter posts?


    Go to Editor and open the sidebar.php

    Scroll down until you see or use the find command and search for wordpress then change it out to your username for Twitter. Mine below is billtwynne

    save the file and you are done

    the_widget(‘TwitterWidget’, array(‘title’=>__(‘My latest tweets’,’mystique’), ‘twituser’=>’billtwynne’, ‘twitcount’=>’4’), array(‘widget_id’=>’instance-twitterwidget’,’before_widget’ => ‘<li class=”block”><div class=”block-twitter”>’,’after_widget’ => ‘</div>’,’before_title’ => ‘<h3 class=”title”><span>’,’after_title’ => ‘</span></h3><div class=”block-div”></div><div class=”block-div-arrow”></div>’));

    What I need is help with my RSS feed with feedburner. My site is billwynne.com and when I sat down earlier I had a lot more hair. HAve you had any problems with the RSS feeds?


    I am also having a Twitter problem. After following steps above I am SOMETIMES able to have the twitter widget update to a new username. The bigger problem is that I cannot seem to ever display the tweets of a specific twitter account – “strategerizer”. If I get that account to display at all in the sidebar, it shows the following error inside the widget, under the image/link/# of followers:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homepages/1/d94998140/htdocs/SHOWMEISTER/wp-content/themes/mystique.1.53/mystique/lib/widgets.php on line 87

    For a while I’ll try to leave the error live at https://www.showmeister.com/

    I figured it out – this error happens when there are no tweets in the account. Once I made a tweet, error went away!



    I actually use the theme on https://www.gutschein-gutscheine.net. It looks great.

    I solved the Twitter Problem with your help.

    Step one: delete code in the sidebar.php
    “the_widget(‘TwitterWidget’, array(‘title’=>__(‘My latest tweets’,’mystique’), ‘twituser’=>’billtwynne’, ‘twitcount’=>’4’), array(‘widget_id’=>’instance-twitterwidget’,’before_widget’ => ‘<li class=”block”><div class=”block-twitter”>’,’after_widget’ => ‘</div>’,’before_title’ => ‘<h3 class=”title”><span>’,’after_title’ => ‘</span></h3><div class=”block-div”></div><div class=”block-div-arrow”></div>’)); “

    Step two: do it like Breezeseo told! and now it works!




    @billwynne. You can edit the header.php file.

    Where it says this:

    a href=”<?php bloginfo(‘rss2_url’); ?>” class=”nav-extra rss” title=”<?php _e(“RSS Feeds”,”mystique”); ?>”><span><?php _e(“RSS Feeds”,”mystique”); ?></span></a

    remove <?php bloginfo(‘rss2_url’); ?> and put in the URL of where you want the button to direct to.

    Works fine.



    I’m using the Mystique theme for my blog. Found this page on how to fix the twitter issue. From the readings here, I then created a new tab in the Mystique control panel which would allow setting of your own twitter username (so that you can change it easier later on if need to).

    Just thought of sharing my tweak: Fixing the Mystique theme Twitter issue. I documented my change there, and the changed theme files are also available for download at the end of the page.

    Hope this helps ??



    My logos at the top don’t work. The Twitter doesn’t show up and the Twitter widget just says “Loading Tweets” and nothing happens. The RSS button doesn’t mouseover, it just sits there. Any idea why?


    Maybe i’m not getting problem 2.

    But if you go to setup of the theme,
    and go to the navigation-link, you can add your twittername.


    I have exact the same troubles PistolPratley has ??
    My logos at the top don’t work. The Twitter doesn’t show up and the Twitter widget just says “Loading Tweets” and nothing happens. The RSS button doesn’t mouseover, it just sits there. Any idea why?

    The website worked fine for days, and now not anymore.
    any suggestions? I can see that PistolPratley still has this issue..




    I am facing a different problem with this theme. My title and tagline are not appearing properly on the browser title. The title of my blog is RonakG.in and tagline is “Live life to the fullest…”. So the title of my browser window should be “RonakG.in | Live life to the fullest…”, but the vertical bar | doesn’t appear on the browser. How do I fix this?

    Here is the link to my blog – https://www.ronakg.in/blog/

    Go to Editor and open the sidebar.php

    Scroll down until you see or use the find command and search for wordpress then change it out to your username for Twitter. Mine below is billtwynne

    save the file and you are done

    the_widget(‘TwitterWidget’, array(‘title’=>__(‘My latest tweets’,’mystique’), ‘twituser’=>’billtwynne’, ‘twitcount’=>’4’), array(‘widget_id’=>’instance-twitterwidget’,’before_widget’ => ‘<li class=”block”><div class=”block-twitter”>’,’after_widget’ => ‘</div>’,’before_title’ => ‘<h3 class=”title”><span>’,’after_title’ => ‘</span></h3><div class=”block-div”></div><div class=”block-div-arrow”></div>’));

    thanks this information is good and it works i try it.

    now you can see it on https://vritesh.com/

    thanks again

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