@alkemiko – Sorry to hear you had trouble with the latest version.
Since essentially we have no idea why its not working for you at this point, probably best to actually have you approach it from the perspective of a new install where its simply not working. Go through our normal troubleshooting guides to see if any of the common issues are part of the problem and where in the guide you find the trouble:
– https://docs.wppopupmaker.com/article/265-my-popup-wont-work-how-can-i-fix-it
Because we and lots of other PM users use Yoast, I’d nix that one as a potential source (assumption).
WPML is in use by a large portion of our user base who are not complaining along with you so I’d assume the core plugin is fine.
I’d start trying to narrow the issue by disabling the WPML addons one by one and retesting.
Further I’d love to know if it works fine when those are all disabled? if so its definitely a conflict, just need to narrow it down.
As for your concerns about it being a buggy release:
> However I see that in general, the latest update caused a lot of damage not only to me …
1. We offer open betas for at least 7 days prior to any public release, send out email blasts & social posts to get people testing it. We didn’t turn up any errors or regressions.
2. From v1.10 -> v1.11 is mostly admin changes, only one change in the front end were:
– New option added to the popup_close shortcode. If your not using it this likely is unrelated.
3. With 500k+ sites using the plugin and 70k downloads of this version with only a few edge case issues reported thus far we definitely wouldn’t classify the scenario in the way you did. As someone who has pushed out versions with with broad impacting issues, they generate 100’s of tickets in the first day or 2. We are 2 weeks in with only 4 reports of buggy stuff, several of which are not really related to our code but a library we share with WooCommerce and is affecting both user bases.
So rest assured it doesn’t seem like something we would have been able to catch up front but since we don’t know yet, its hard to say for certain based on just the limited info we have.
Knowing exactly what is not going correctly based on our guide above might help narrow it down.