Creating view
Hi Peter,
first of all thanks a lot for your work and support.
I’m pretty new in the fiels.
I have created a project “gestione verbali” with a parent table named vrb_new_vrb and a child one named vrb_new_arg. I have setted the 1:n relationship in the repository and I’m able to enter in the vrb_new_vrb and insert new records in vrb_new_arg.
Now I would like to create a summary table dislaying for each record in vrb_new_vrb the child records in vrb_new_arg.
I suppose I should create a join table to obtain a view. I have tried importing a script in data explorer I have modified from one contained in your SAS demo:CREATE VIEW
AS selectvrb_new_vrb
ASVerbale n.
ASdata verbale
ASargomento n.
from (vrb_new_vrb
left joinvrb_new_arg
on (vrb_new_vrb
)));However, when I run it nothing happen.
Could you help me with this?
Thanks in advance
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