• A really nice theme. I just can not go to any (single) pages when I have the theme installed. It keeps displaying the index (frontpage) What am i doing wrong?

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    Well, it seems the plugin called: “I-Like-This” was conflicting with the theme. When I disable the plugin it all works ??

    i also facing problem with lot jquery or java script plugins i am not getting full page i only get front page again and again, when i delete plugin it works fine

    Hi, is there any possible to exclude a category from this theme? (trying to insert a sidebar). All methods seem to break the ‘single view’, ‘archives’ and ‘search’ pages. Any way to fix this?

    I love this theme,
    I’m trying to do something tricky but it’s not working,
    I want to hide the dynamic side bar but keep dynamic side bar (1),
    meaning : since the sidebar is repeated on the top of the page and on the bottom, I want to get rid of the one on the bottom,
    getting rid of the one on top is easy, but how do I get rid of the bottom one or at least hide it, since it’s the original one that is calling the top one,
    hope I didn’t confuse anyone.

    can somebody help?

    Hi ptrz,

    Not sure I understand completely, but in the index.php you will see a line like this near the bottom:

    <?php get_sidebar('2'); ?>

    If you remove that it should remove the ‘sidebar’ that appears at the bottom…

    thank you darrensa,
    I was talking about the top one,
    it was being repeated on the bottom for some odd reason,
    but now it’s gone,
    thanks for your help though

    maybe it’s because I had nothing in sidebar 2,
    now after I put the search widget there,
    it stopped copying sidebar 1,
    I tried your solution :
    <?php get_sidebar(‘2’); ?>

    that works as well
    thanks again

    @prtz & darrenza leaving sidebar 1 empty solves your problem as well.

    for those who are missing the single page: there is another plugin that causes a conflict: FancyBox for WordPress from Jose Pardilla – keeps your single page away.

    I am getting my single pages, but there is a large space b between the title and the post and then the post and the list of posts. any ideas what I can do or change to get the empty space to go away?




    I have solved the unnecessary space. The reason is the GALLERY tag.
    Put simply this into the CSS

    #grid-wrapper #gallery-1, #grid-wrapper #gallery-2, #grid-wrapper #gallery-3, #grid-wrapper #gallery-4, #grid-wrapper #gallery-5, #grid-wrapper #gallery-6, #grid-wrapper #gallery-7, #grid-wrapper #gallery-8, #grid-wrapper #gallery-9, #grid-wrapper #gallery-10, #grid-wrapper #gallery-11, #grid-wrapper #gallery-12, #grid-wrapper #gallery-13 {
    display:none !important;

    I’m sure there is a more elegant solution, but this works.

    Thank god!

    finally a forum about this illusive but beautiful theme!

    I was wondering whether anyone knows how to include the top sidebar in the SINGLE VIEW. I’ve made a single.php file simply based on index, but although it works, it pushes the loop of the post off the page.

    Anyone know how to solve this???

    Ok I got it:

    In case any of you wanted to know – I added the <?php get_sidebar(‘2’); ?> right after the Header template was closed, and then added the

    <br style=”clear: both;” /> code to tell it that any thing that comes after this should start on the next line.

    This is the same code you put after formatting lots of pictures together and wanting to start on the next line / para in a post.

    Hope this helps someone.

    I’m really happy now I have the full menu in single view too to help visitors.


    Anonymous User


    Thanks mariamaziz, the ‘clear: both’ is just what I needed! I use it to separate the single-wrapper div and the grid-wrapper div on my single post (single view). I wanted the comments to be displayed next to post instead of underneath. That is if there is enough room in the browser window. Otherwise the should align underneath each other. So I set the single-items to float left. However the grid-wrapper div got all mixed up. The ‘clear: both’ statement solved that.

    Using the
    however increased the space in between the single-wrapper div and the grid-wrapper div. This is logical, but was not what I wanted. My solution is inserting an extra <div> instead of the
    . I gave it the class attribute ‘stop-float’. I used the CSS to set the properties for this <div>. I used a negative bottom margin to get the space I wanted. This is what it looks like in the CSS.

    div.stop-float {
    clear: both;
    margin: 0 0 -10px 0;

    Hope this is helpful.

    PS. Right now (1 august 2010) I am still testing it. You can view it on this website: https://www.brendanweekers.nl/wordpress/
    When all is OK it will be on: https://www.lifeinbeta.nl/

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