Hi @habudd,
Unfortunately we had to report a major JS issue that was happening while using Fancybox so this is a confirmed problem and our developers are aware of it. This will surely be one of the most prioritized issues to be fixed in the next update.
The Fancybox issue is a major one because it throws a fatal JS error which basically would affect all the JS dependent elements from that page and it is expected that it will affect the slideshows, Mosaic, Masonry and so on.
As a temporary workaround we are kindly suggesting you to temporarily activate a different lightbox effect like SimpleLightbox from “NextGen Gallery -> Other Options -> Lightbox Effects” until our developers will fix the problem in the next NGG update.
In case that you want to roll back to the previous version of NextGen Gallery, you can download it from https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/nextgen-gallery.3.3.6.zip then go to your site’s “Dashboard -> Plugins”, deactivate and delete the current version of NextGgen Gallery ( this is a safe procedure and you will not lose any galleries or settings ) then install and activate nextgen-gallery.3.3.6.zip
Thanks for your understanding