• dimal



    Some files have been created when activating the advanced mode of this plugin.

    1. wp-content/cache/htaccess.290698779.php and that is a copy of my htaccess in the root. Why it is copied and renamed as php (!!!!!) and what is doing in that folder ?

    2. wp-content/cache/preload_permalink.txt ???

    Thank you

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  • I have no idea why your .htaccess file is in that php file. Is there a copy of it that can be loaded by WordPress?

    The permalink.txt is a counter showing what file is currently being preloaded.

    Thread Starter dimal



    Yes the “normal” htaccess is in place, still i wonder why it is located also in the cache folder and renamed as htaccess.290698779.php.

    A mystery. There are a lot of mysteries in WPSC plugin.


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