• Hello,

    After I realized my pages were no longer ordered I upgraded WP to 2.9 and the plugin to 2.86. My pages will still not order on the site. They look like I want them to within the dashboard under pages > my page order. I click the button, get the “Page order updated successfully.” When I go to the site my pages in the nav are still listed in alphabetical order, not how I wanted them.

    Please advise,


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  • You would need to be using something like this in your ‘nav’:


    Stepping Into Template Tags
    Stepping Into Templates
    Template Hierarchy

    Thread Starter agengo


    Ok, now we’re getting somewhere. The pages are ordered properly but the tabs of the nav are squished together. To fix, I can tell (through Firebug) that a <span> needs to go inside each but since that info is being pulled in where can I add the <span>?

    Thanks for your help!!


    Are you using the built in Page widget, the My Page Order widget or did you modify your theme directly? If the theme, what code was there before?

    Thread Starter agengo


    I’m using the My Page Order plugin. It only works (orders pages to correct order as defined under Pages > My Page Order) when I put in that snippet of code you gave me in the header.php file. But when I put that code in, the nav tabs are squished.

    The code that I replaced with what you gave is wp_list_page('depth=1&title_li=&exclude=143' );

    You should have this:


    If it is still squished post a link to your site, would help to actually see what is happening.

    Thread Starter agengo


    Thank you froman118, that code made it work as it should. Can you break that down for me? I’m new to PHP code.

    “sort_column” tells it how to sort the pages.

    “depth” tells it how far down to go in the page hierarchy. Depth = 1 will only show the top level parent pages.

    “title_li” outputs a header in the list, but omits it when left blank.

    “exclude” stops the page with that ID from being displayed.

    Without depth or exclude, you were probably listing too many pages and your page ran out of space to display them all. My best guess without actually seeing it.


    I am using My Page Order and love it. Thank you! It works just fine with parent pages but does not work with the subpages even though it shows on the admin page that it does. I read the information above but do not understand it. I’m new to wordpress. Is there any help you give to me?

    Thank you.


    Are you using a regular template or widgets? Did you switch to the My Page Order widget?

    Can you be more specific about what isn’t working with subpages?


    Thanks for responding, Andrew. I am using the Elegant Grunge Theme. I don’t have the My Page Order widget over on the sidebar because then the pages don’t collapse under the parent page. So I only see My Page Order under Pages on the left hand side of my dashboard.

    The My Page Order works fine for the parent pages but when I go in to to the left and click on My Page Order to rearrange my subpages, it looks like it works, it says it works, but when I save and then go look at my page, the order of the subpages is still alphabetical instead of how I rearranged them.

    I appreciate your help and time.



    That’s strange, I just tested it on my site and the “Pages” widget displays the same as “My Page Order” (with depth = 0). I’m not sure why the subpages aren’t being ordered, is the sort by option in the widget set to Page order?


    Perhaps the problem is that I have the Collapsing Pages widget installed and use it instead of the Pages widget. I think I’ll be fine with the subpages being alphabetically ordered after all if I can’t figure this out. I really appreciate your help. If you’d like, you can view my blog here: https://carlaroyal.com/ I’m so impressed with WordPress and the plugins. You guys do an amazing job!


    Yeah it sounds like a bug with Collapsing Pages, if you have the “menu order” option selected then it should use the order set by My Page Order. Could try contacting the plugin author.


    That worked! Thanks, Andrew! I’m headed to donate a small amount to you right now. You’re worth much more but I’m really low on cash. Know that you are appreciated!




    I have the same problem as agengo. I’m new in wp and css – so I hope someone can explain to me, where exactly I should put the codestring

    In my theme I have a main-nav.php – is it here?

    the code in main-nav is like this:

    ‘<!– BEGIN MAIN-NAV.PHP –>

    <!– END MAIN-NAV.PHP –>’


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