Hi @amino01,
It depends on your active theme. The Wishlist counter can be added into the theme in several ways:
1. Using Wishlist Products Counter widget that is included with our plugin
2. As a menu item from plugin settings
3. By placing the next snippet into functions.php file of your theme/child-theme
`if ( ! function_exists( ‘tinvwl_shortcode_products_counter’ ) ) {
* Output Wishlist counter shortcode.
function tinv_integration_wishlist_counter(){
// Check if WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin activated.
if (defined( ‘TINVWL_LOAD_FREE’ ) || defined( ‘TINVWL_LOAD_PREMIUM’ )) {
<!– HTML wrap start –>
<?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[ti_wishlist_products_counter]’ ); ?>
<!– HTML wrap end –>
// Hook output to action.
add_action(‘action_spot_name’, ‘tinv_integration_wishlist_counter’);
4. By a direct call in the theme template e.g. header.php
?`// Check if WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin activated.
if (defined( ‘TINVWL_LOAD_FREE’ ) || defined( ‘TINVWL_LOAD_PREMIUM’ )) {
<!– HTML wrap start –>
<?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[ti_wishlist_products_counter]’ ); ?>
<!– HTML wrap end –>
After that you may also need to style it to fit your theme design.