thumbnail sizes are not being generated
For me the thumbnails aren’t being generated at all. I noticed first that there were no thumbnails on the media admin page. I checked the folder itself and there were no images (apart from the original uploaded image). Here’s my setup:
– php version 7.3
– resizefly folder is writeable
– gd is enabled
– wordpress version 5.5
– running locally via wamp
– twenty twenty theme
– latest plugin version (3.2.3)
– no other plugins installedI’ve also checked by adding an uploaded image to a page, same outcome. The thumbnails just don’t seem to be getting generated at all. I’m not getting any errors.
On further investigation, when I turning on debug I get the following error on image upload (media library – add new):
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in C:\wamp64\www\WEBSITES\mainwp\wp-content\plugins\resizefly\src\Image\Image.php on line 220
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