Including parent & subcategories in the URL,
Sorry, our current navigation system doesn’t follow parent-child relationships. I have taken a note of this now. So, we would have this addressed in the future. Our TODO list is quite large and our next 3 versions are already planned. So, this requires some time. Please be patient.
Regarding the Breadcrumbs,
The changes suggested with the URLs are possible anyhow. But, it’s really painful when it comes to breadcrumbs.
WordPress doesn’t support breadcrumbs by core and generally they come from the theme itself or added using third-party plugins. So, each plugin follows a different approach and there is not a standard for breadcrumbs at the moment. We have no idea how your theme handles the breadcrumbs and we cannot support all. But, we will add support for YOAST Breadcrumbs very soon that follows the URL hierarchy as discussed. Please be patient.