Put this in <head> tag :
<script language="JavaScript">
function springing_Menu(currMenu) {
if (document.getElementById) {
if (thisMenu.display=='block') {
else {
return false;}
else {
return true;}
In the menu tag :
<a href='' onclick="return springing_Menu('menu1')"><li id="sondage"><div class="titremenu"><?php _e('Yourtitle'); ?></div></a><span class='menuopen' id='menu1'>
<ul>Blablabla, the submenu
<a href='' onclick="return springing_Menu('menu2')"><li id="categories"><div class="titremenu"><?php _e('+Categories'); ?></div></a><span class='menuclosed' id='menu2'>
<ul><?php wp_list_cats(); ?>
In the wp-layout.css :
.titremenu {
text-decoration: none;
background: url("/style/noir/ligne_n.png") no-repeat;
.menuclosed {
.menuopen {
(to display or not the submenu or not, but when it’s open, you must click two times for close it)
I think it’s all! Sorry if it’s not very clear but i’m not very good in english!