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  • I’m not a fan of sites with black backgrounds with white text, but that’s just my own pet peeve. I notice that your header graphic is locked as a background image and doesn’t scroll with the site content. Makes it look cluttered.

    My French is a bit rusty, but I read through a couple of articles and I think I understood most of it! ??

    Seemed to load fast for me, but I’m on broadband, so most sites load fast. Keep up the good work and remember to have fun!

    Thread Starter zeraw07


    ok, i hesited for the locked header, i’ll change that!
    thank you for your opinion!

    Howd you get the sidebar floating on the right with you is my question? other then that, Very nice.

    Thread Starter zeraw07


    #menu {
    padding: 10px 0px 10px 10px;
    position: absolute;
    right: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    width: 180px;

    and this for firefox :

    div>#menu {
    position: fixed;

    In IE it’s not working, so if you put “position: fixed; ” in the common #menu, the sidebard will appear in IE at the bottom of the page!

    You might want to move that page navigation down a few notches. It appears jumbled up too close to the header.

    I like the sidebar position, too. However, what happens when you get more stuff on there? Maybe you should consider switching from collabsible menus to dropdowns.

    Thread Starter zeraw07


    I’v added a white style, for those who prefers sites with white backgrounds!

    Yes maybe i should switching from collapsible menus to dropdowns when i’ll get more stuff, but i have the time to change this ?? and i think i’ll disable the locked menu in this case.

    If you disable the locked menu in the future, you’re going to have to alter the whole design, as that is what seems to make it work at this time. I think that the white/black background thing is a personal thing. Personally, I don’t mind it at all. (Still, I’d move that navigation down farther from your header image.) Keep up the great work!

    I really like the collapsible menus! Very cool.

    The collapsable menu’s are super cool, how did you do that??
    You should post a tutorial on that.

    Thread Starter zeraw07


    Put this in <head> tag :

    <script language="JavaScript">
    function springing_Menu(currMenu) {
    if (document.getElementById) {
    if (thisMenu.display=='block') {
    else {
    return false;}
    else {
    return true;}


    In the menu tag :

    <a href='' onclick="return springing_Menu('menu1')"><li id="sondage"><div class="titremenu"><?php _e('Yourtitle'); ?></div></a><span class='menuopen' id='menu1'>
    <ul>Blablabla, the submenu

    <a href='' onclick="return springing_Menu('menu2')"><li id="categories"><div class="titremenu"><?php _e('+Categories'); ?></div></a><span class='menuclosed' id='menu2'>
    <ul><?php wp_list_cats(); ?>


    In the wp-layout.css :

    .titremenu {
    text-decoration: none;
    background: url("/style/noir/ligne_n.png") no-repeat;

    .menuclosed {


    .menuopen {


    (to display or not the submenu or not, but when it’s open, you must click two times for close it)

    I think it’s all! Sorry if it’s not very clear but i’m not very good in english!

    Can anyone tell me what zero07’s reference to the ‘menu tag’ means for the middle block of code? (I also suspect his code refers to WP1.2…but no matter)


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