The most elegant way to do this is by delayed shortcode. Currently this works for albums only.
You can have a textlink or button in your page/post, that will be replaced by the display of the album when clicked. See
An other way is:
– Create a page with the shortcode that displays what you want. Do NOT add it to any menu.
– Create a pagelink in the wp editor to that page in the page/post where you want it.
3rd way (Requirement is Table IV-A7: Update addressline must be ticked):
– create a page with shortcode [wppa]
– click link(s) until it displays what you want
– Copy the beowser addressline and use it in the link.
Remember: you can not link to a photo or album, you can only link to a page that displays it. The shortcode on the landingpage may be [wppa type=”landing”]; in this case the query arguments will specify what to show.
I.e. will show a slideshow on the single post ‘Hallo wereld’ of album #2 starting with photo #493