Hi @haboabdo,
Currently, the plugin does not have an option to do so. However we will try to do our best to help you. Please follow below steps.
Before activating this plugin, add below code to your active theme’s functions.php
Then activate Sequential Order Number for WooCommerce plugin and then remove the code from functions.php to keep the order numbers the same for exisiting orders.
add_filter( 'wt_order_number_sequence_data', 'wt_order_number_sequence_data_keep_og', 10, 3 );
function wt_order_number_sequence_data_keep_og( $order_number, $prefix, $order_id ) {
return $order_id;
Pleae, be noted that if you update the plugin settings later for eg, to update prefix or suffx, these change will be over written.