• I’ve go the latest version of WordPress and FeedWordPress and new stores are not being pulled from the RSS feed and posted to the site.

    I re-uploaded all the FeedWordPress files including the two rss replacement files and nothing.

    The plugin checks for updates and says nothing is new when I can see in the feed that there is new content.

    It always says “Update complete. 0 new posts were syndicated and 0 existing posts were updated”

    Anyone have any ideas? Maybe it doesn’t like WordPress 2.9?!


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  • I have the same problem. Will pull feeds once, then will no longer validate feed?

    The problem seems to be related with the FeedWordPress Duplicate Post Filter plugin. Once you deactivate it, it starts to work again, apparently.

    I have this problem too, but I don’t have the FeedWordPress Duplicate post filter plugin.

    I originally had pulled a RSS feed from the World of Warcraft Armoury of my characters latest activity. So it pulled everything up to the current date. Worked perfect.

    I then decided to unsubscribe and then use the RSS filters of this feed so that I could categorise my activity. ie based on Achievements, WoWLoot etc. So now I have 3 RSS feeds/w filters to the same feed.





    But it has only imported feeds up to the 4th Jan. Can’t understand why it is not getting all the current feeds. I even deleted the cache and did another update and it imported nothing.

    Look forward to hearing from someone on this.

    I think I have figured out why this problem was happening to me.

    I manually edited the feed name in the feed settings. I did this so I could identify which feed was which.

    So I think this affected it somehow, as I unsubscribed from them all again and re-set them up. And all feeds are importing properly now.

    Thread Starter bloggerdesign


    I haven’t figured it out yet. All I can think is that the FeedWordPress plug-in times out before it can get the feed. ??

    Thread Starter bloggerdesign


    Definitely a time out issue for me. I ran the feeds though FeedBurner first, then they imported just fine.

    I’m having the same problem. I get lots of these error messages when I switch error reporting on: * Warning: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’ at line 150, column 2648 in /home/sites/mysite.com/public_html/wp-includes/rss.php on line 1112

    Warning: MagpieRSS: Failed to parse RSS file. (EntityRef: expecting ‘;’ at line 150, column 2648) in /home/sites/mysite.com/public_html/wp-includes/rss.php on line 1366

    Notice: MagpieRSS [debug] MagpieRSS fetch failed [0] in /home/sites/mysite.com/public_html/wp-includes/rss.php on line 1374
    completed in 1 second

    Update complete. 0 new posts were syndicated and 0 existing posts were updated

    Has anyone found a fix for this? I am trying deleting and re-entering them all now

    I’m having this problem too. Has anyone found a solution?

    I have this problem too and I don’t have the Duplicate post plugin that was mentionned. I did notice the only blogs that fail to get udpated for me are wordpress-hosted blogs, others seem to be fine. I updated to the new version that was uploaded today, and keep having the same issue. The only thing that has changed is that now it doesn’t just say there were 0 updates available but actually states when it fails to pull a feed with this message: Feed error: WP HTTP Error: Couldn’t resolve host ‘blog-name.wordpress.com’ – it states this for each of the wordpress-hosted blogs in my blogroll.

    Anyway I have this problem.. Any suggestions? Feedwordpress seems to work fine. I am using the latest version 2010.0528

    When I updated feeds one by one, it works fine. But when I updated all feeds together, I get the admin page with blank screen in place of where the feedwordpress needs to say how many feeds did it run, status of it.

    Is this something that has to do with the php settings on how long the script can run?

    bergaamasque, I think you should confirm if the feeds from wordpress hosted blogs are working fine. Generally there shouldn’t be a problem in feedswordpress to fetch an feed that complies with RSS / Atom .

    christo.ebe, actually, the only feeds I’m having trouble getting udpated are the wordpress-hosted blogs. They’re the only ones that suddenly stopped udpating 4 days ago; trying to update manually doesn’t work either. However, any other type of blogs are updating fine (blogspot, tumblr, self-hosted wordpress blogs…)

    Im getting this problem too though im not sure if it happened on an upgrade or not??

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