Hi @zielakowy ,
Perhaps would you need to customize to use a different filter to make on-site messaging work on mobile, per https://docs.krokedil.com/article/259-klarna-on-site-messaging#h-H2_2
To debug what is not working on mobile, you can check the on-site messaging JavaScript is loaded into the page by viewing the source of the page and searching for ‘klarnaservices’ and comparing to the results of your product page source to a Klarna Payments demo test store, e.g. https://demo.krokedil.se/klarnapayments/product/flying-ninja/
If the JavaScript is loaded successfully, you can next inspect the page (not view the HTML source, as the placement is injected into the page dynamically) and search the Elements of the page for ‘klarna-placement’ (and again compare results to the working example page).
Regarding the ‘Cart page placement data key’, many merchants use the same data key in the product & cart pages, so you could use ‘credit-promotion-badge’ if that is the desired on-site messaging placement. The available data-key options are listed in the On-site messaging app in the Klarna Merchant Portal under ‘Placements’, and you can copy the ‘data-key’ for your desired placement.
If you need further support, you can also get that from Klarna Merchant Support (https://docs.krokedil.com/article/304-klarna-contact-merchant-support) or Krokedil support at [email protected]