Hi @kobler, we’re working on improving YARPP’s performance, but it’s better than lot of reviews have given it credit for. It can do a lot of calculations to figure out the most relevant posts, but it *caches* those results for each subsequent pageload (by the same or different visitors). So it should only slow down the first time a page is requested by anyone.
Your server responds after about 1 second on the product pages, which is about the same as the contact page (where YARPP isn’t doing anything.) So I don’t think the server is responding especially slowly on product pages (which is where you’d see the slowdown from YARPP.)
I did notice something that will make the product pages feel very slow and clunky: when I mouse over the product image on the left, I see a flood of requests for lazy-loaded images (I caught it on video– I started the video when it was already happening, but then reloaded the page and you can see it starts when I hover over the product image on the left.) I’m pretty sure that isn’t a problem in YARPP, but probably the lazy-loading images plugin or the image scrolling plugin you’re using.
And it’s fine to use InnoDB for YARPP since a few versions ago, although from my testing on my server I found MyISAM on the posts table was about 20% faster.
Does that help?