ACF Openstreetmap plugin and the integration of maps into WP
hi there dear and good day dear Podpirate,
first of all: many thanks for bringing Out of the ACF Openstreetmap plugin to the world: this is just outstanding and great! i am a big Fan of Openstreetmap and i have to tell you – this is so great i love your block!
can i exort maps – created by requests to the page: and export the kml-results into your block!? Well Podpirate, that would be more than great. i like the features and the options that we have with it. At the moment i am in the early planning stages of a new project.
the ACF Openstreetmap plugin and its Return Format:
Raw data will return an array holding the field configuration.
Leaflet JS will return a fully functional leaflet map. Just include <?php the_field(‘my_field_name’); ?> in your Theme.
You can choose from a long list of map styles and it supports multiple markers.iFrame ( Will return an iFrame HTML. Only four map styles are supported – the ones you find on OpenStreetMap – and not more than one marker.
Map Appearance: Pan and zoom on the map and select from the Map layers to set the initial map position and style in the editor.
again – the approaches:
well i want to export the maps in kml or geojson.u want to have the dataset of the hospitals of
a. southamerica or
b. europefor a overview or for retrival …
for example a: … showing a map that i have gathered – from
area["ISO3166-1"="BR"]->.brazil; area["ISO3166-1"="AR"]->.argentina; /* more areas..*/ ( nwr[amenity=hospital](area.brazil); nwr[amenity=hospital](area.argentina); /* other queries... */ ); out center;
for example b:
[out:csv(::id,::type,"name","addr:postcode","addr:city","addr:street","addr:housenumber","website"," contact:email=*")][timeout:600]; area["ISO3166-1"="CL"]->.chile; /* more areas..*/ ( nwr[amenity=hospital](area.chile); ); out center;
and besides showing some maps i want to offer a retrival: eg with a plugin like
wp-jobmanager or wp-participants database ( cf; )
812380089 way Clínica Tarapacá Iquique Barros Arana 1550 812714508 way Hospital Clínico Vi?a del Mar Vi?a del Mar Limache 1741 817842590 way Hospital de Fresia San José 301 819315869 way Nueva Clínica Madre e Hijo Avenida Santa Rosa 1503 822509761 way SurMédica 828332217 way Consalud 829563034 way Hospital de Ni?os Dr. Roberto del Río 831654714 way Clínica Re?aca 832118050 way Clínica Alemana Beauchef 765 832203189 way Clínica Curicó Curicó Villota 840220768 way Hospital Angol General óscar Bonilla 750 840359494 way 844876695 way SOS RESCATE ANIMAL 100000 La Huaica Bernardo O'Higgins S/N 4587756 relation Clínica Portada Antofagasta Avenida José Manuel Balmaceda 2648 6066032 relation Complejo Asistencial Doctor Víctor Ríos Ruiz Avenida Ricardo Vicu?a 0147 6634378 relation Preuniversitario Pedro de Valdivia Lo Barnechea Avenida José Alcalde Délano 10581 7133551 relation Expand
well do you think that i can do some thing – eg the import of data that is derived eg
.from or openstreetmap (the GeoJSON or KML data )?look forward to hear from you
apolloadditionally: some infos:
i work for an organization that contributes to volunteering opportunities especially in the field of education and medicine
(hospital, clinic etc. etx). At the moment we re thinking about doing some first steps with the great dataset of
Or – with the dataset of openstreetmap itself.Btw:
– regarding healthsites this is the most important link:
Means there is an API to get the data from with a personal API key …: note: with this – i should be able to put the data on a website
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