Hi @toxoplasmaarts
I hope you’re well today!
Let’s sort things out a bit ??
1. The “No file data found in image meta” is referring to the “meta” as in “WordPress database post meta”.
Each image that’s added to Media Library is actually a post of “attachment” type; each post has also some meta information stored in the “wp_postmeta” table in the site’s database.
The errors means that the value of “file” metadata for this given image is either empty or doesn’t exist. The value of that field is fetched by standard WordPress function “wp_get_attachment_metadata()”.
Such issue usually happens if image meta data was previously “manipulated” somehow. Some image optimization plugins can do this, some types of CDN’s and image offload solutions. It can also happen if the image was added in some “non-standard” way, for example imported to media library from FTP using some custom script.
Now, the fact that image is visible on page doesn’t mean this issue can’t happen. Remember please that when you upload an image to Media Library, WordPress creates additional smaller images out of it, based on registered image sizes. A possible scenario is, for example, that the “large” thumbnails is used on site and it is fine in the database but then there’s also “my_custom_image” image size registered but corresponding image doesn’t exist.
2. Regnerating thumbnails should actually help solve it but
– depending on a plugin that you use for that, you might need to make sure that the process is set to regenerate all thumbnails and not skip any registered sizes
– and you might need to make sure that all image offload/image CDN plugins/tools are disabled during that and that all the images are actually physically present on your server (locally to the site; as some offload/CDN plugins do actually physically remove them)
3. The “unable to locate resource” warning doesn’t seem to be related to the same images, actually. I run PageSpeed again on the site and it doesn’t show full URLs of these images for me (note: the “not located” images mentioned within the orange(ish) error message) but from what I can see they are related to Instagram.
I’m not exactly sure how this “instagram” part works on your site but the URLs of the images reported as “unable to locate resources” – when checking homepage page source code, I can’t even locate these URLs. I can, however, see that there’s an entire block of Instagram images that are loaded dynamically via some JS so that’s most likely the issue here – a bit “misinterpreted” (by PageSpeed) URLs and Instagram actually blocking direct access to these images (Instagram only allows reading them via API, not via direct URLs).
Best regards,