• I’m having problems using blogclients.
    Whenever I write a post is looks fine on the blogclients editing screen and also on the preview screen. But when I post it to my website the post shows all the HTML brackets.
    The sentence this is a test comes out looking as <em this is a test </em
    The problem persists using different clients whether Live Writer, Zoundry Raven or Blogdesk. I’ve tried disabling my plugins but that didn’t solve it.
    Any suggestions?

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  • tmilford


    I’m having the same problem with Windows Live Writer and Blogdesk. Besides the text formatting issue, the pictures I insert in the blogging client look fine, but they don’t show up on the blog. Live Writer worked great when I first started using it. Is there an issue with the latest WP version?



    I am having the exact same problem using Zoundry Raven. Any ideas how to fix it anyone?



    Same thing here! SO FRUSTRATING!!! please someone help us ??




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