• I’m relatively new to WP having come from a background developing more corporate sites.

    I’ve been working on a few client’s sites that use premium (paid) themes.

    I’m really surprised at how these are built.

    – They use WPBakery which seems to just shove CSS in the DOM
    – They use use the custom CSS and JS fields for more CSS
    – And of course there is the css on styles.scss

    So all in all I have to look in 3 places (or more, sometimes) just to make some CSS changes.

    Further more, none seem to be use BEM or even SCSS or LESS properly.

    There are dozens of .js and .css links. Few, if any are minified.

    I’ve never yet come accross a README.md.

    There seems to be bits and pieces of other themes hanging about. For example, I am working on a theme that doesn’t use SCSS, but still has a suit of SCSS files in the asstes folder from some other theme (when I asked the creator for their gulpfile they had no idea what I was talking about).

    This process is just so painful and sloppy. I feel I’m working twice as hard to just find things and correct them.

    Please, please, please tell me I’ve just been unlucky and that not all themes are like this!

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  • Friends don’t let friends use themes that require page builder plugins.

    What you’re looking at is one INDEPENDENT developer’s work that is not even distributed at the official www.ads-software.com themes & plugins database (where some semblance of coding standards is enforced).

    If you’re looking for WordPress coding standards, you should be looking at WordPress code and reading the official documentation on the subject:


    As a general rule, if you’re a developer, you’re going to be frustrated with most of the POPULAR paid themes out there, especially those from the marketplace that starts with a bright theme and ends in a dark forest. These themes are highly optimized for the masses who want to click a few buttons and have a fancy-looking website, with zero interest in performance or what’s going on under the hood.

    As a testament to how clunky such themes can be, often it’s impossible to create a website that looks remotely close to their demos from scratch… without REQUIRING some page builder (WPBakery is a popular one) and importing their dummy content into your site.

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