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  • Plugin Author WPJoli



    Could you provide a link to the problematic page in order to investigate?

    I can’t reproduce your bug using jQuery manager set to 3.5.1.
    There may be a conflict with something on your install.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter sally



    thanks for the reply. Where can I send you user / password to view the page?

    Best regards

    Plugin Author WPJoli


    If your page is protected for some reason please send me the credentials at [email protected].

    Otherwise if you just have just URL it should be fine as well.

    Thanks ??

    Thread Starter sally


    Thanks, information send

    Best regards

    Plugin Author WPJoli


    Well received, thank you!

    It is probably a conflict with the divi page builder that you are using.

    There is already an event handler in your page’s javascript for the all of the anchor links. The following code has been outputted by the divi builder I believe, which mixes up with Joli TOC’s js and probably creates a conflict.

                    $('a[href*="#"]:not([href="#"])').click(function() {
                        var $this_link = $(this)
                          , has_closest_smooth_scroll_disabled = $this_link.closest('.et_smooth_scroll_disabled').length
                          , has_closest_woocommerce_tabs = $this_link.closest('.woocommerce-tabs').length && $this_link.closest('.tabs').length
                          , has_closest_timetable_tab = $this_link.closest('.tt_tabs_navigation').length
                          , has_closest_eab_cal_link = $this_link.closest('.eab-shortcode_calendar-navigation-link').length
                          , has_closest_ee_cart_link = $this_link.closest('.view-cart-lnk').length
                          , has_acomment_reply = $this_link.hasClass('acomment-reply')
                          , is_woocommerce_review_link = $this_link.hasClass('woocommerce-review-link')
                          , disable_scroll = has_closest_smooth_scroll_disabled || has_closest_ee_cart_link || has_closest_woocommerce_tabs || has_closest_eab_cal_link || has_acomment_reply || is_woocommerce_review_link || has_closest_timetable_tab;
                        if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') && location.hostname == this.hostname && !disable_scroll) {
                            var target = $(this.hash);
                            target = target.length ? target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']');
                            if (target.length) {
                                if ($this_link.closest('.et_pb_fullscreen_menu_opened').length > 0) {
                                setTimeout(function() {
                                    et_pb_smooth_scroll(target, false, 800);
                                }, 0);
                                if (!$('#main-header').hasClass('et-fixed-header') && $('body').hasClass('et_fixed_nav') && $(window).width() > 980) {
                                    setTimeout(function() {
                                        et_pb_smooth_scroll(target, false, 40, 'linear');
                                    }, 780);
                                return false;

    Now, in order to fix this issue, can you try to deactivate the smooth scrolling from the Joli TOC settings, under the “Behaviour” tab ?

    Let me know if you see any difference.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter sally


    thanks for the update. I have already smooth scrolling deactivated on the behaviour tab. What is also interesting if you reduce the page width, till the mobile menu appear, then the scrolling works fine, also with jquery 3.5.1..
    or when I change in jquery plugin to version 2.2.4 Desktop / Mobile Version are working fine ..

    Best regards

    Plugin Author WPJoli


    If you deactivated the smooth scrolling already, then the problem lies in another plugin or theme as it then is not handled by Joli TOC’s js at all.

    You have others handlers attached to anchor links on your website and you need to either figure out how they work or try to deactivate them and only activate Joli TOC’s smooth scrolling which is supposed to work regardless of the page’s width.

    Let me know if you find something!

    Thread Starter sally


    thanks, but why is all working fine with jquery 2.2.4 version ??

    Plugin Author WPJoli


    A guess: it could be any of your plugins or theme’s js that’s using code (related to anchor link click events) that’s not supported by the latest version of jQuery or something like that. Hard to give a precise answer because each install is different.

    Try with another theme, or deactivate plugins one by one and see if you have any change in order to locate the source of the problem. But it seems to be something related to the divi builder’s js (I could be wrong though).

    Thread Starter sally


    Thanks, will test this

    Best regards

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