Well received, thank you!
It is probably a conflict with the divi page builder that you are using.
There is already an event handler in your page’s javascript for the all of the anchor links. The following code has been outputted by the divi builder I believe, which mixes up with Joli TOC’s js and probably creates a conflict.
$('a[href*="#"]:not([href="#"])').click(function() {
var $this_link = $(this)
, has_closest_smooth_scroll_disabled = $this_link.closest('.et_smooth_scroll_disabled').length
, has_closest_woocommerce_tabs = $this_link.closest('.woocommerce-tabs').length && $this_link.closest('.tabs').length
, has_closest_timetable_tab = $this_link.closest('.tt_tabs_navigation').length
, has_closest_eab_cal_link = $this_link.closest('.eab-shortcode_calendar-navigation-link').length
, has_closest_ee_cart_link = $this_link.closest('.view-cart-lnk').length
, has_acomment_reply = $this_link.hasClass('acomment-reply')
, is_woocommerce_review_link = $this_link.hasClass('woocommerce-review-link')
, disable_scroll = has_closest_smooth_scroll_disabled || has_closest_ee_cart_link || has_closest_woocommerce_tabs || has_closest_eab_cal_link || has_acomment_reply || is_woocommerce_review_link || has_closest_timetable_tab;
if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') && location.hostname == this.hostname && !disable_scroll) {
var target = $(this.hash);
target = target.length ? target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']');
if (target.length) {
if ($this_link.closest('.et_pb_fullscreen_menu_opened').length > 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
et_pb_smooth_scroll(target, false, 800);
}, 0);
if (!$('#main-header').hasClass('et-fixed-header') && $('body').hasClass('et_fixed_nav') && $(window).width() > 980) {
setTimeout(function() {
et_pb_smooth_scroll(target, false, 40, 'linear');
}, 780);
return false;
Now, in order to fix this issue, can you try to deactivate the smooth scrolling from the Joli TOC settings, under the “Behaviour” tab ?
Let me know if you see any difference.
Thank you!