• Resolved joelthomas59


    J’ai essayé de faire une restauration de mon site à partir d’une sauvegarde ancienne et j’ai, à plusieurs reprises, un message d’erreur dont je ne parviens pas à comprendre l’origine. Du coup je ne parviens pas à accéder à mes pages de site (celui-ci n’est pas publié à ce jour).
    La ligne en erreur dans le log est la suivante :
    SGExceptionExecutionTimeError: Execution timeout error [File: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Web/WordPress/wp-content/plugins/backup/com/core/backup/SGBackup.php, Line: 128, URL: /WordPress/bg_restore.php?k=aa9d629526c798c89ff2955487db027f&action=getAction]
    Pouvez-vous m’aider ?

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  • Plugin Support Support Backup Guard


    Salut @joelthomas59 .
    Merci d’avoir pris contact avec nous.
    Veuillez noter que ce message est traduit via Google translate et que la version originale sera disponible ci-dessous.

    Pourriez-vous s’il vous pla?t, envoyer le fichier journal de restauration, afin que nous puissions comprendre quel est le problème?

    Vous pouvez télécharger le fichier journal mentionné comme indiqué ici:

    Veuillez l’envoyer via wetransfer.com en utilisant l’option de récupération de lien.
    Comme ceci: https://prnt.sc/qr3ntv

    Si vous n’avez pas accès à votre tableau de bord, vous pouvez le télécharger à l’aide du client FTP. Toutes les sauvegardes et les éléments associés (par exemple les fichiers journaux) ont été situés dans le répertoire “/ wp-content / uploads / backup-guard /”.


    Hi there.
    Thank you for getting in touch with us.

    Could you please, send the restore log file, so we can understand what the issue is?

    You can download the mentioned log file as shown here:

    Please send it via wetransfer.com using the link retrieving option.
    Like this: https://prnt.sc/qr3ntv

    In case you don’t have an access to your dashboard, you can download it using FTP client. All the backups and related stuff (e.g. log files) have been located in “/wp-content/uploads/backup-guard/” directory.

    Thank you beforehand.

    Thread Starter joelthomas59


    Hi / Bonjour,
    Here is the link to the last restore.log file : https://we.tl/t-H4lrDy3Chz
    Voici le lien vers le dernier fichier restore.log : https://we.tl/t-H4lrDy3Chz

    Merci pour votre aide.
    Thanks for your help.

    Kind regards / cordialement

    Plugin Support Support Backup Guard


    Dear @joelthomas59 ,

    Thank you for the log file.

    Would you, please, try login in with the old user and the new user and let us know how it goes?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Thread Starter joelthomas59


    Hi again,
    Sorry for the dual threads and french language at first….
    My app is on a QNAP NAS. I can launch WordPress from the NAS interface and I can see the site I have developped with full navigation menu (WP Mega Menu Pro). When I try to click on a link to a particular page, I receive this message (example) : The requested URL ”/WordPress/documents/hommage-a-lallaisse/” was not found on this server.
    The thing is I haven’t changed username and, although I am not 100% sure, I do not think I have changed the password either. I have changed admin password to the NAS only recently but the problem was there beforehand.

    Plugin Support Support Backup Guard


    Dear @joelthomas59 ,

    So, do we understand correctly that you were unable to login even though you used both new and old credentials?

    As for the URLs: is only the one you sent not working or the others as well?

    Thread Starter joelthomas59


    I am able to login to WordPress from my Nas interface using present credentials. When I do so, I can see – locally – the site I have developped, with full menu. As I said when I click – from that menu – to open a page I receive the message I mentioned. This for all pages of my site.
    From WordPress workspace interface, it is possible to open the pages and modify the content (right click, Modify) but impossible to display them (404 error).
    I hope I am clear enough ?
    Also, I use WordPress 4.9.16. Newer versions are not supported by my QNAP NAS apparently.

    Plugin Support Support Backup Guard


    Dear @joelthomas59 ,

    Could you go to the WordPress admin menu settings, choose Permalinks from the sub menu there and click update?
    Let us know what result you have when you do so?

    Thread Starter joelthomas59


    I have done so and I have recovered the access to all pages. However the display format to which they were originally created has not been kept. Alignment of the text, size of the videos windows, access through some advanced text is not correct. Going back to the admin console of WP, I have noticed that the advanced-Gutenberg extension says it is deactivated when I open its sub-menu while it shows as activated in the extensions panel. I deactivated and activated again that adavanced Gutenberg extension. The extension file is been reinstalled and then white screen. I cannot access WP admin page anymore from my browser (https://…./WordPress/wp-admin/). But if I open the NAS admin interface and launch WP, a new window opens on my site entry page. What should I do ? How can I regain access to WP admin page ? How can I obtain originally setup of my pages if activation of advanced Gutenberg is not the problem ?

    Thread Starter joelthomas59


    I have recovered full access to the admin page.
    Advanced Gutenberg extension was not compatible with my version of WP. I have updated WP to 5.5.3. (The site had been built on 5.4 version).
    In doing so I have lost the side menu. I use Edupress theme (which includes side menu). The full side menu is still present in the appearance/menu page but not in the appearance/widgets page.
    Is there a solution ? Or should I just copy a previous version of wp-content and wp-includes on existing WP directory ?

    Plugin Support Support Backup Guard


    Dear @joelthomas59 ,

    Seems the problem isn’t connected with the restore process itself.
    The problem is maybe with the older version of Gutenberg.

    So, you can try renaming the plugin from the plugins folder via FTP and checking the website. The problem could be gone this way.

    Plugin Support Support Backup Guard


    Dear @joelthomas59 ,

    Hope you’re fine.

    We are wondering whether you renamed Gutenberg and what result you had.

    Thread Starter joelthomas59


    I have tried various solutions including this. I still do not have lateral menu although it’s been created.
    I uninstalled Gutenberg, reinstalled Advanced Gutenberg and have tried to de-activate each extension without positive effect.
    I give you a summary of what is now installed :
    WP Version 5.5.3
    Theme : EduPress Version : 1.5.1
    Extensions :
    Advanced Gutenberg Version 2.4.7
    Backup Version
    Classic Editor Version 1.6
    Duplicate Page Version 4.3
    iframe Version 1.2
    Improved Include Page Version 1.2
    PDF Embedder Version 4.6.1
    Post Type Switcher Version 3.2.0
    WP Mega Menu Pro Version 2.1.2
    Maybe Edupress theme is not compatible with WP 5.5 3 ??

    Plugin Support Support Backup Guard


    Dear @joelthomas59 ,

    As far as we understand from all this communication, the initial problem connected to Gutenberg may have been because of the server configurations.
    So, if it still results in an error, we suggest enabling it, getting the debug log and connecting the developer of that very plugin.

    Plugin Support Support Backup Guard


    Dear @joelthomas59 ,

    How are you today?

    We are wondering if there is anything else we can assist you with.

    Thread Starter joelthomas59


    It still does not work properly.
    I am trying to export my site on my PC in order to try other thems with a lateral menu. That has led me through various difficulties I am trying to solve as they show up. I’ll come back to you as soon as I have a positive result or a big question.

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