How do I change a image on the back ground of my page?
In your theme’s stylesheet usually. Without a link to your site, I can’t be any more specific than that.
I am also trying to change the color of the fonts
Can you help me please???So I have to go into the appearance “editor” then stylesheet and change it there?
I really get veru lost when I look at all the codes…Currently, the background image for your content area is defined by:
.content-bgr { background: url(images/content-top.jpg) no-repeat; height:100%; overflow:hidden; padding:14px 40px 20px 15px; }
in style.css whilst the background for the whole page is defined by:
.main {background:url(images/#tail01.jpg) repeat;}
in the same file. The latter isn’t working right now because of the
in front of the image filename (#tail01.jpg).First you need to decide what you want to change – the background image on the post content area or the background of the page (which would sit behind the page content area). Again, with the text colors, you first need to define which text you want to change as there will be different blocks in the stylesheet for different types of text.
Ok I want to change the whole picture.
I want to have this instead.
to this six_sense_web_background.jpgI went there and substitute the (images/content-top.jpg) for this
And I still don’t get it???
Ok, I must restnow, I shaw try tomorrow again, i hope someone post some help here for me.
my domain is changed a few things, but still not right. When I installed the template and visit the site some features that should have been there wasn’t.
I need to upload this picture ss_w_background_small.jpg into the back ground page I want to change the entire background.Help!!!
Thanks a lot, ??
Upload your new image to your theme’s images folder using FTP or whatever file management application your host provides. Then use:
.content-bgr { background: url(images/six_sense_web_background.jpg) no-repeat; height:100%; overflow:hidden; padding:14px 40px 20px 15px; }
in your stylesheet.
I unistalled everything and started all over again,
Things seams to be cleaner now.
Someone at Go Daddy told me anything I have to do in wordpress to use the application, not to FTP, in my server or filezilla.
So If I have pictures, songs to be uploaded does it only works if I upload then through filezilla or can I just upload in my media page at wordpress.Thank you for your help.
So wehn you say to use:.content-bgr {
background: url(images/six_sense_web_background.jpg) no-repeat;
padding:14px 40px 20px 15px;
}Do you want me to replace something else to that?
I am just learning, thanks for your pacience.You guys are genious!!!If you are adding images to be used via CSS in your theme’s stylesheet or amending template or CSS files in your theme, you can use FTP. But anything that you want to add to the content of your posts and pages must go through the WP Admin interface.
The CSS block I suggested was to be used in your theme’s stylesheet in place of:
.content-bgr { background: url(images/content-top.jpg) no-repeat; height:100%; overflow:hidden; padding:14px 40px 20px 15px; }
You can do this via Admin/Appearance/Editor. Or you can download the stylesheet to your machine using FTP, make the changes using a plain text editor and upload the amended file back up again.
I did!!! it works! But it does not look good.
Can you tell me how do I change the picture behind that?
I really wanted this image to be on the very back of everything.
It would be great if you could check for me. I left everything there so you can see it.One more question I created pages, how can I display then in the order that I want when I save it goes it alphabetical order.
How do I create a sub page?
Under releases I need to add 9 or 10 other sub pages.
I really wanted this image to be on the very back of everything.
You’d need to remove the background image on .content-bgr in the stylesheet.
how can I display then in the order that I want
<?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order');?>
and then adjust the order using the Page Order box on each page.How do I create a sub page?
See Pages.
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