• Hello friends,

    I have a subscription website and user by my subscription for One year, We used to print a card for the subscriber with the ID, Name, Valid from, Expire On.

    Now I want to make a page on the website with the name “My Card”, and I want to display a virtual card with the mentioned above data.

    how can I get the user metadata to be displayed in that page so I can align them on the card?

    Thank you and Regards.

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  • All user meta fields should be available using get_user_meta();

    Thread Starter sayedhussain96


    How can I use it with shortcode widget?

    Just echo out the result like any other value in the shortcode.

    Unless… are you trying to ask howto create a shortcode to do all of this? If that’s the case you’ll need to go back and do a bit more groundwork to get it figured out. https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Shortcode_API

    Thread Starter sayedhussain96


    Yes I know how to echo it, Thank you.

    Let say if i want instaed to get HTML element by class on that page how can i do it?
    I tried with shortcode by no luck so far.

    I don’t know what you mean. Shortcodes don’t target elements on a page, they output them.

    Can you show us what code you’ve got so far and show us where it isn’t working?

    Thread Starter sayedhussain96


    form the subscription table in the dashboard the user subscription started on 2020-12-7, Here is the code of it from the inspect

    <td class="started column-started" data-colname="Started"><span title="December 7, 2020 10:37 am">December 7, 2020</span></td>

    I want to display the date of the subscription on the Card page, How can I do that?

    Moderator bcworkz


    End users will not have dashboard access, so its presence there isn’t directly useful. It does imply that the date is saved in the DB somewhere. Possibly user meta, or the subscription plugin might utilize its own table. You need PHP code to determine the current user and to fetch the related date for that user, which can then be output. A custom shortcode is capable of doing this, or custom page template code that specifically generates “My Card” content for the current user.

    To get anywhere with this, you need to know where the date is stored in the DB. That aspect is not something we can help you with. I can tell you that DB data can be directly examined with the phpMyAdmin app. Do not use this app to change anything! Use it to look only. It’s a very powerful app that can badly corrupt your data if you try to change anything without fully knowing what you are doing.

    @sayedhussain96 Can you show us what code you’ve got so far and show us where it isn’t working?

    The reason that I ask that is that we need to know what you’ve done already. We aren’t here to write code for you, but we are more then happy to help debug problems that you’re having. If you need some custom code written to do this I’d suggest trying one of the many job boards that are available for just this sort of small project.

    Thread Starter sayedhussain96


    Dears catacaustic and bcworkz,

    So far on my card page I managed to get the username and national ID of the subscriber,
    Now I want to get either the Subscription statue “Active or Expire”, or The subscription start from and End in.

    These values appears on My Account > Subscription tab, How can I get them from there to my card page?

    My Card Page: https://futurediscard.com/my-card | The name and national ID Appears only for my subscribers, and the date is just text I wrote to see how It’s going to be.

    And by the way I am using Subscriptio plugin for the subscription.

    Thank you.

    Follow what @bcworkz said above. You need to know how the subscription dated are stored. If they are stored in the user_meta table, then using the get_user_meta() function will get the values. If they are stored somewhere else, you need to use a database query to retireve the data from that location. We can’t tell you where that is ir where to find it as we don’t have access to your site. You need to do some digging into it.

    Another good idea is to ask in the support forum of which everh subscription plugin you are using, and someone in there might be able to tell you.

    Thread Starter sayedhussain96


    As I found these values are saved in the DB as the Following

    Payment 1638862664
    Order 1638776264
    Expiration 1638949064

    The Date are stored as timestamp, Each subscriber have three values (Payment, Order, expiration), and they are stored in “subscriptio_scheduled_events” the only table for the subscriptio plugin.

    OK, so query the database to get that data. then when you get it, you can output it to where it’s needed.

    And again… What code do you have already? If you don’t have any, then you need to start writing some!

    Thread Starter sayedhussain96


    For the Holder name

    [su_user field="billing_first_name"] [su_user field="billing_last_name"]

    For the National ID

    [su_user field="billing_national_id"]

    As simple as that!!

    That’s not code. That’s a shortcode that I’m guessing si provided by your subscription system?

    If there’s no shortcode that can do what you want you have two choices:

    1. Write your own shortcode to display the data that you want
    2. Contact the author.vendoer of your subscription plugin for extra help
    Thread Starter sayedhussain96


    That shortcode I found it working after trying so many and it serve my need.

    for the date how can I get it from that timestamp from my Sql table ?

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