• Hello Tom Usborne,
    I appreciate your plugin really, it’s the best custom CSS plugin I’ve ever used. But I’m faced with a problem and need your help badly. I would like to extend my gratitude if you are so kind as to help me solve this.
    I build Ajax for my WordPress Site with an easy way, which I will post the code below. The problem is when I go through my site via Ajax, the Simple-CSS doesn’t refresh. Would you please tell me a method to update Simple-CSS manually?
    Thank you for your consideration and assistance in advance.
    Sunny Chih

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  • Thread Starter Mario


    // Ajax code
    var ajaxhome=’ ‘;
    var ajaxcontent = ‘ ‘;
    var ajaxsearch_class = ‘blog_search’;
    var ajaxignore_string = new String(‘#, /wp-, .pdf, .zip, .rar, /goto, /msgboard’);
    var ajaxignore = ajaxignore_string.split(‘, ‘);
    var ajaxloading_code = ”;
    var ajaxloading_error_code = ‘<div class=”errajax”>AJAX loaded failed.</div>’;
    var ajaxreloadDocumentReady = false;
    var ajaxtrack_analytics = false;
    var ajaxscroll_top = false;
    var ajaxisLoad = false;
    var ajaxstarted = false;
    var ajaxsearchPath = null;
    //var ajaxua = jQuery.browser;
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    window.onpopstate = function(event) {
    if (ajaxstarted === true && ajaxcheck_ignore(document.location.toString()) == true) {
    function ajaxloadPageInit(scope){
    jQuery(scope + “a”).click(function(event){
    if (this.href.indexOf(ajaxhome) >= 0 && ajaxcheck_ignore(this.href) == true){
    var caption = this.title || this.name || “”;
    var group = this.rel || false;
    try {
    } catch(err) {
    jQuery(‘.’ + ajaxsearch_class).each(function(index) {
    if (jQuery(this).attr(“action”)) {
    ajaxsearchPath = jQuery(this).attr(“action”);
    jQuery(this).submit(function() {
    return false;
    if (jQuery(‘.’ + ajaxsearch_class).attr(“action”)) {} else {
    function ajaxloadPage(url, push, getData){
    if (!ajaxisLoad){
    if (ajaxscroll_top == true) {
    jQuery(‘html,body’).animate({scrollTop: 0}, 1000);
    ajaxisLoad = true;
    ajaxstarted = true;
    nohttp = url.replace(“https://&#8221;,””).replace(“https://&#8221;,””);
    firstsla = nohttp.indexOf(“/”);
    pathpos = url.indexOf(nohttp);
    path = url.substring(pathpos + firstsla);
    if (push != 1) {
    if (typeof window.history.pushState == “function”) {
    var stateObj = { foo: 1000 + Math.random()*1001 };
    history.pushState(stateObj, “ajax page loaded…”, path);
    } else {
    if (!jQuery(‘#’ + ajaxcontent)) {
    jQuery(‘#’ + ajaxcontent).append(ajaxloading_code);
    //jQuery(‘#’ + ajaxcontent).fadeTo(“normal”, 0.4,function() {
    //jQuery(‘#’ + ajaxcontent).fadeIn(“normal”, function() {
    type: “GET”,
    url: url,
    data: getData,
    cache: false,
    dataType: “html”,
    success: function(data) {
    ajaxisLoad = false;
    datax = data.split(‘<title>’);
    titlesx = data.split(‘</title>’);
    if (datax.length == 2 || titlesx.length == 2) {
    data = data.split(‘<title>’)[1];
    titles = data.split(‘</title>’)[0];
    jQuery(document).attr(‘title’, (jQuery(“<div/>”).html(titles).text()));
    } else {
    if (ajaxtrack_analytics == true) {
    if(typeof _gaq != “undefined”) {
    if (typeof getData == “undefined”) {
    getData = “”;
    } else {
    getData = “?” + getData;
    _gaq.push([‘_trackPageview’, path + getData]);
    data = data.split(‘id=”‘ + ajaxcontent + ‘”‘)[1];
    data = data.substring(data.indexOf(‘>’) + 1);
    var depth = 1;
    var output = ”;
    while(depth > 0) {
    temp = data.split(‘</div>’)[0];
    i = 0;
    pos = temp.indexOf(“<div”);
    while (pos != -1) {
    pos = temp.indexOf(“<div”, pos + 1);
    output=output+data.split(‘</div>’)[0] + ‘</div>’;
    data = data.substring(data.indexOf(‘</div>’) + 6);
    document.getElementById(ajaxcontent).innerHTML = output;
    jQuery(‘#’ + ajaxcontent).css(“position”, “absolute”);
    jQuery(‘#’ + ajaxcontent).css(“left”, “20000px”);
    jQuery(‘#’ + ajaxcontent).show();
    ajaxloadPageInit(“#” + ajaxcontent + ” “);
    if (ajaxreloadDocumentReady == true) {
    try {
    } catch(err) {
    //jQuery(‘#’ + ajaxcontent).hide();
    jQuery(‘#’ + ajaxcontent).css(“position”, “”);
    jQuery(‘#’ + ajaxcontent).css(“left”, “”);
    //jQuery(‘#’ + ajaxcontent).fadeTo(“slow”, 1, function() {});


    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    ajaxisLoad = false;
    document.title = “Error loading requested page!”;
    document.getElementById(ajaxcontent).innerHTML = ajaxloading_error_code;
    function submitSearch(param){
    if (!ajaxisLoad){
    ajaxloadPage(ajaxsearchPath, 0, param);
    function ajaxcheck_ignore(url) {
    for (var i in ajaxignore) {
    if (url.indexOf(ajaxignore[i]) >= 0) {
    return false;
    return true;
    function ajaxreload_code() {
    //add code here

    function ajaxclick_code(thiss) {
    jQuery(‘ul.nav li’).each(function() {

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