Auto-Complete Search not working
i am facing a rather weird problem:i have created a pod with a custom bi-directional field. now i try to link my pod post with another via that field:
multiple select with list works fine, but whenever i try to use auto-complete function there is an error, saying that the results can not be loaded. a couple of days ago this just worked fine. any ideas what the cause of this problem can be?
thank you and greetings
Hi @tschak89
Could you give us more info about your installation?
What plugins do you use etc?Could be a plugin conflict:, Jory
hi jory, thx for the quick reply.
i don′t know if there is a plugin conflict since it worked just fine a couple of days ago. here is a full report.cheers, andreas
### wp-core ###
version: 5.6
site_language: de_DE
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permalink: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
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name: Hello Elementor (hello-elementor)
version: 2.3.0
author: Elementor Team
parent_theme: none
theme_features: core-block-patterns, menus, post-thumbnails, automatic-feed-links, title-tag, html5, custom-logo, editor-style, woocommerce, wc-product-gallery-zoom, wc-product-gallery-lightbox, wc-product-gallery-slider
theme_path: /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/hello-elementor
auto_update: Deaktiviert### wp-themes-inactive (2) ###
Hello Elementor Child: version: 1.0.1, author: Elementor Team, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
Twenty Twenty: version: 1.6, author: WordPress-Team, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert### wp-mu-plugins (1) ###
Health Check Troubleshooting Mode: author: (undefined), version: 1.7.2
### wp-plugins-active (29) ###
Ajax Search Pro: version: 4.20.2, author: Ernest Marcinko, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
bbPress: version: 2.6.6, author: The bbPress Contributors, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
bbp style pack: version: 4.7.1, author: Robin Wilson, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
BuddyBuilder – BuddyPress Builder for Elementor: version: 1.3.1, author: StaxWP, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
BuddyBuilder Pro: version: 1.3.0, author: StaxWP, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
BuddyDrive: version: 2.1.2, author: mrpritchett, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
BuddyMeet: version: 1.8.0, author: Themis Dakanalis <tdakanalis@cytech,gr>, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
BuddyPress: version: 7.0.0, author: The BuddyPress Community, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
Elementor: version: 3.0.14, author:, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
Elementor Pro: version: 3.0.8, author:, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
JetBlog For Elementor: version: 2.2.12, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
JetElements For Elementor: version: 2.5.3, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
JetEngine: version: 2.6.2, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
JetGridBuilder: version: 1.1.0, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
JetMenu: version: 2.0.8, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
JetSearch For Elementor: version: 2.1.9, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
JetThemeCore: version: 1.2.1, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
LDAP/Active Directory Login for Intranet sites: version: 23.0, author: miniorange, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
LuckyWP Table of Contents: version: 2.1.4, author: LuckyWP, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
miniOrange LDAP Buddypress Integration Add-On: version: 1.1, author: miniorange, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
NTLM SSO: version: 1.0, author: miniorange, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
Pods – Custom Content Types and Fields: version: 2.7.24, author: Pods Framework Team, Automatische Aktualisierungen aktiviert
Posts Table Pro: version: 2.3.1, author: Barn2 Plugins, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
Posts Table Pro – EU/AU Date Format: version: 1.1, author: Barn2 Plugins, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
PowerPack Pro for Elementor: version: 2.2.1, author: Team IdeaBox – PowerPack Elements, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
PublishPress Capabilities: version: 1.10.1, author: PublishPress, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
PublishPress Capabilities Pro: version: 1.10.1, author: PublishPress, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
PublishPress Permissions Pro: version: 3.4, author: PublishPress, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
Require Post Category: version: 2.1, author: Josh Hartman, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert### wp-plugins-inactive (12) ###
Admin Columns: version: 4.2.2, author: (latest version: 4.2.5), Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
Akismet Anti-Spam: version: 4.1.7, author: Automattic, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
Attachment Taxonomies: version: 1.1.1, author: Felix Arntz, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
Classic Editor: version: 1.6, author: WordPress Contributors, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
Directory Sync Plugin: version: 1.0, author: miniorange, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
Enhanced Media Library: version: 2.8.2, author: wpUXsolutions, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
Health Check & Troubleshooting: version: 1.4.5, author: The community, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
Hello Dolly: version: 1.7.2, author: Matt Mullenweg, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
JetSmartFilters: version: 2.0.6, author: Crocoblock, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
Max Mega Menu: version: 2.9.2, author:, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
Sidebars for Hello Elementor Theme: version: 1.0.0, author: Amer Ali, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
View Admin As: version: 1.8.6, author: Jory Hogeveen, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert### wp-media ###
image_editor: WP_Image_Editor_GD
imagick_module_version: Nicht verfügbar
imagemagick_version: Nicht verfügbar
file_uploads: File uploads is turned off
post_max_size: 8M
upload_max_filesize: 100M
max_effective_size: 8 MB
max_file_uploads: 20
gd_version: 2.2.5
ghostscript_version: not available### wp-server ###
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pretty_permalinks: true### wp-database ###
extension: mysqli
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client_version: mysqlnd 7.4.3### wp-constants ###
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WP_DEBUG: true
WP_DEBUG_LOG: wp-errors.log
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DB_COLLATE: undefined### wp-filesystem ###
wordpress: writable
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mu-plugins: writable### luckywp-table-of-contents ###
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pods-api-cache: Yes
pods-shortcode-allow-evaluate-tags: No`
I disabled every plugin except for pods and still the error remained.
I made a screenshot showing that multi-select works fine but somehow auto complete doesn′t. Health check shows 2 errors with the rest api, i don′t know, if they are connected to my problem (see screenshot).has anybody an idea 4 a solution?
best regards,
andreasHi @tschak89
This might be some kind of server issue. Do you see any errors in your browser console after you search for relationships in the autocomplete field?
Cheers, Jory
Hi, i am new to all this console stuff, but i tried a bit with Chrome console in tab Network – Preview and there are some responses in admin-ajax.php?pods_ajax=1 followed by a red line with “failed to load response data” – the black lines look like this:
AS geschaeftszahl,t
LEFT JOINwp1_postmeta
= ‘geschaeftszahl’ ANDgeschaeftszahl
WHERE ( (t
IN ( “publish” ) ) AND (t
= “erlaesse” ) ) ORDER BY (t
LIMIT 0, 15; Response: Unknown column ‘t.geschaeftszahl’ in ‘where clause'”I understand that there is something wrong with the function “Display Field in Selection ListProvide the name of a field on the related object to reference, example: {@post_title}”, because when i leave that field empty it works. But thats the problem i want to use another custom field and they don′t work.
what is the correct syntax for that field? because i had just the name of the field and it worked, is the correct syntax “{@posttype_fieldname}”?
Cheers Andreas
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by
Hi @tschak89
Ah right, now I get the issue ??
You could try
but I believe only WP core object fields are supported, you should try it though.Cheers, Jory
Thx @keraweb for your support so far, but i fear that i need your help or from the community once more:
What do you mean by .meta_value? The custom field i want to display is a plain text field. the bi-directional relationship is within the same pod.
I don′t think that only wp_core object are supported, bc i am pretty sure everything worked just fine a week or so ago, when the display field in selection list value was just the plain field name.
greets, Andreas
Hi @tschak89
I’m sorry, just tested this locally and just using the field name should work fine.
Please file a complete bug report so we can try to reproduce your issue and provide a patch:, Jory
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by
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