Sure, we would like to offer our logged-in users the ability to use the signup form only because we do not allow guests to comment or download files from our site.
Visitors must sign up for an account in order to comment or have access to the files we periodically publish. We also found that it dramatically cuts down on spam/bot signups when we hide the form behind a page only logged-in visitors can see.
This also allows us to turn off double or single “opt-in” spam screenings which some users find annoying. They just want to signup and go, to put it another way.
We have found a temp workaround by wrapping the shortcode inside another shortcode that hides content from non-logged-in users but would prefer if it was something built directly into the plugin itself.
I hope I have answered your question and please do let me know if you need any future information or have more questions.
Thank you.