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  • You’ve trusted some user input, won’t really harm the site using this, but could lead to some funky stuff sent via email.

    The user might find him/herself quite uneasy as (s)he enters “dfgdfg” in the email field, and is then shown such a sentence: “Thank you for your comments. It’s already sitting in my inbox waiting for me to read them”.
    I agree with Kitten: too much trust ??

    Maybe too much trust but he’s gotta start somewhere – at least we have a plugin available.

    I for one am really looking forward to using a plugin like this.

    I’m sure over time, his plugin will only get better and more features will be added in (like an email address validator; return to the page that was being used prior to using contact form, etc) <— hey sounds like a wish list LOL

    Thread Starter Ryan Duff


    Return to page was how I originally had it set up, I got voted away from that in the forums, I suppose I can change it. Whats the consensus?

    Email validation was another issue, just not something I was about to deal with at 2am.

    hey it would be useful if there was a way to submit a file as an attachemnt too.

    any chance of modifying it to work w/ 1.2?

    Personally, allowing attachments may pose a problem for some sites.

    I travel a lot and many times I’m stuck using dial-up for my laptop. If someone wanted to screw around and send a me dozen emails all with large attachments through the contact form, it would tie up my internet dial-up connection for hours downloading all the bogus files, making it hard for me to check out my legitimate emails.

    If this feature is added, there should be an option to turn it off.

    yup of course it should be an added feature to the contact form. the items to be filled in, in the form iteself should be fully customizable.
    and yes you’re right about the possibilty of inbox flooding. but for those of use using web based email, especially gmail, this wouldn’t be a problem at all.
    but once again most importantly i meant it as an option for people who want, and are expecting, visitors to send photos for example along with their contact details.

    Don’t know if this has already been pointed out but this plugin does not play nicely with Markdown or Textile.

    I’m having trouble getting this working. (WordPress 1.5)
    I have installed it, activated it, and configured it in the options. It generates an error messages (ie haven’t used a name, etc), and generates a confirmed sent message. However, I never receive an email message. I have changed the email address in the options to a different one with no luck.
    Do i have to configure a mailserver or something somewhere?
    Contact form can be found here

    I like the plugin. It fulfills a feature that I had been searching for.

    You have my vote for e-mail validation. And as for going back to the previous screen, I’d like it to be an option because I use the plugin only once to make a “Contact Me” page. When the user is done, then let them see the “Thank you” page.

    Great plugin – been waiting for this one for a long while!

    This plugin does not like WP Advanced Stats – and outputs a ton of errors…


    The quicktag is in the Post section (next to all the html tag buttons).

    edit: I fixed my problem. I use on my primary domain name and the emails were being stored on my server instead of being sent to my account with

    Something I never knew I always wanted!

    I’m playing around with it at the bottom of the page here:

    I’m not getting emails from it, and instead of getting a success message after sending, I get a page with no content. Anyone have a quick hint of something I forgot to do?

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