My edits
in item.php change it to add content to the alt tag AND limit the number of characters as often instagram titles can be very long
<li class="wpmi-item"><a href="<?php echo esc_attr( $item['url'] );?>" target="<?php echo esc_attr( $args['target'] );?>"><img src="<?php echo esc_url( $item[$args['size']] );?>" alt="<?php echo myTruncate(esc_attr( $item['description'] ), 125, " ");?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $item['description'] );?>"/></a></li>
Change where it says 125 to whatever character length you want. From what I have read 125 characters is the sweet spot for an alt tag length
in your functions.php file, add;
// Lets shorten (truncate) text as needed
function myTruncate($string, $limit, $break=".", $pad="...")
// return with no change if string is shorter than $limit
if(strlen($string) <= $limit) return $string;
// is $break present between $limit and the end of the string?
if(false !== ($breakpoint = strpos($string, $break, $limit))) {
if($breakpoint < strlen($string) - 1) {
$string = substr($string, 0, $breakpoint) . $pad;
return $string;