• All the posts I make have custom fields attached to it. I also made it so I can publish empty posts. I want to make a line of code when I create a post it checks to see if a certain custom field is empty if it is delete it if it isn’t publish it. I have this so far.

    function force_type_private($post)
        $post['post_status'] = 'publish';
        return $post;
    add_filter('wp_insert_post_data', 'force_type_private');
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  • Moderator bcworkz


    For the ‘wp_insert_post_data’ filter, the post does not yet exist in the DB, nor does any meta (custom field) data exist there. The data from the post edit form resides in $_POST. A lot of it is passed to ‘wp_insert_post_data’ callbacks, but custom field data is not passed. Custom field data is not saved to the DB until after the post itself has been saved.

    So I think you’re saying that if some custom field value is not assigned, you want the insert post process aborted, is that right? From the ‘wp_insert_post_data’ callback, check the $_POST array for the crucial data. If it’s missing, execute wp_die() with an appropriate message.

    Thread Starter lex713


    @bcworkz how would I write a line of code that if the title equals auto draft delete it? I have it set up where if the field is empty it names it autodraft.

    Moderator bcworkz


    When that title gets assigned could impact the logic needed, as does if we only need to watch for new posts or both updated and new. Using the ‘wp_insert_post_data’ filter and assuming “autodraft” is assigned to $post['post_title'] and it’s a new insertion, this should be enough:

    if ($post['post_title'] = 'autodraft') wp_die('Post was not saved');
    return $post;

    If that doesn’t work, there was already a post saved to the DB and it really does need to be deleted. Instead of dying the process, call wp_delete_post( $post['ID'], false );

    That call really just changes the status to trash, it’s not truly removed from the DB. To fully remove the post, pass true as the second parameter.

    Thread Starter lex713


    function remove_if_empty ($post) {
    	if ($post['post_title'] = 'autodraft') 
    			wp_die('Post was not saved');
    			return $post;
    add_filter('wp_insert_post_data', 'remove_if_empty');

    So I wrote this but every time I hit add new it goes to a page that says “Post was not saved.”

    Moderator bcworkz


    Move return $post; to outside and after the conditional. You don’t need it after dying, but you sure do need it when the condition is not fulfilled.

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