• Resolved palko



    i wrote text code into html text editor:

    …. <strong><span class="O_elder_01_juice-here"></span> liters</strong> ….

    (It is link to the function from calculated fields form plugin).

    Everything is fine, it works, until i click on visual editor. This action will erase this code, just a <strong> liters</strong> is remain.

    Similar problem has been already occurred here:

    Link in Text tab stripped from code when I click Visual tab

    Whole code in wordpress (slovak language):

    <ul><li>Bazovú ??avu <strong><span class="O_baza_01_stava-here"></span></strong> zriedime s vodou <strong><span class="O_baza_01_voda-here"></span> litrov</strong> a pridáme cukor <strong><span class="O_baza_01_cukor-here"></span> kg</strong>. Cukor úplne rozpustíme. <details> <summary><em><span style="color:#9b51e0" class="color">TIP: odporú?am <a href="https://domacevino.sk/sladenie-a-kvasenie/#cukor-na-tretiny">prida? cukrovy roztok po tretinách</a></span></em></summary> <em><span style="color:#9b51e0" class="color">V tom prípade pridajte len <strong><span class="O_baza_01_voda_x-here"></span> litrov</strong> vody z predpísaného mno?stva a pridajte do kvasnej nádoby 1/3 cukrového roztoku (<strong><span class="O_baza_01_voda_x_tr-here"></span> litrov</strong> vody <strong>+ <span class="O_baza_01_cukor_tr-here"></span> kg</strong> cukru), o 4-5 dní po za?iatku kvasenia druhú tretinu a o ?al?ích 4-5 dní poslednú tretinu.</span></em></details></li><li>K takto upravenej ??ave pridáme <a href="https://domacevino.sk/kvasenie-kvasinky/#kvasinky">zákvas ?istej kultúry kvasiniek</a>, ?ivnú so? a necháme kvasi?.</li><li>Po búrlivom kvasení bu? víno ihne? sto?íme z kvasníc, alebo demi?ón doplníme a? po hrdlo a necháme na kvasinkách krat?iu dobu dokvasi? <span style="color:#9b51e0" class="color">(<em>POZNáMKA: pozri kapitolu <a href="https://domacevino.sk/stacanie-vina/">stá?anie vína</a></em>)</span>.</li></ul>

    Please could you help me?

    Best regard, Palo

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  • Plugin Author simonpedge


    I just use the built-in WordPress “TinyMCE Editor” within my plugin. This is the standard editor that comes with WordPress, and the inner-workings of this editor is not something that I’m too familiar with.

    Sometimes the WP Visual Editor can be frustrating on how it decides to reformat (and strip out written HTML) – I have had many frustrations in the past with it. That is why I added the checkbox “Disable Visual Editor” to force HTML editing only.

    What you could try is the following though:
    <strong><span class="O_elder_01_juice-here">&nbsp;</span> liters</strong>
    Maybe its getting confused with the empty <span>

    Thread Starter palko


    Hello Simon,

    thank you, it works! Thats exactly what i needed.

    With regard, Palo

    Plugin Author simonpedge


    No Problem ??

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