• fivebeforechaos


    I just installed the Alkivia Chameleon theme, and I just have one problem, a rather odd one. At the top of the browser, instead of the blog name, there’s a bunch of code, so I looked at the page in Firebug, and I saw this (not sure which php file it is):

    <title><span id='fee_description' class='fee-field fee-filter-bloginfo'>Philosophy, Politics, and Opinions from the Lunatic Fringe</span> -  <span id='fee_name' class='fee-field fee-filter-bloginfo'>Integral Psychosis</span></title>

    All of that stuff between the title is what’s appearing in the top of the browser. What should be there instead, and what file is that in?


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  • esmi


    The title of the site and perhaps the title of the post or page should be in there. What code is used and what exactly does appear varies from theme to theme. But what shouldn’t be in there is any kind of HTML markup like <span id='fee_description'. I’d suggest getting another copy of that theme. There’s something seriously screwed up in the header.php file in your copy.

    Thread Starter fivebeforechaos


    Hmm, I looked in header.php and didn’t see that. The code is not appearing in the header, it’s in that title bar at the very top of the browser.




    The code is not appearing in the header, it’s in that title bar at the very top of the browser.

    Yes – that’s the meta title which is in your theme’s header.php file. Try looking for <title>.



    The theme just displays the title returned by WordPress functions. Probably you have a plugin that changes this. As shown in your output, seems to have a plugin that filters and changes the bloginfo() return values.

    This is the title meta on the header file:

    <title><?php // Blog name displays last for SEO.
    		if ( is_home() ) {
    			echo ' -  ';
    		} else {
    		    wp_title('-', true, 'right');


    Do you have the Front End Editor (“fee”) plug-in installed? The code you’ve quoted seems to be from that.



    From the front end editor plugin description:

    Title attributes errors
    In some themes, links get weird title atributes. If this messes up your theme, just disable the “Post title” field.

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