• derekbarker


    I’ve heavily modified WP, at least in terms of how a person who can’t program to save his life can modify something.

    Anyhow, a blog that I have mirroring content from the main blog is not loading thumbnail images when I load https://www.site.com

    If I load https://site.com (no www.), it works perfectly.

    When I look at the page source, this is where the problem happens.

    https://www.site.com loads this: DOES NOT LOAD THUMBS
    background: url(https://tvdl.biz/wp-content/plugins/simple-post-thumbnails/timthumb.php?src=biz/wp-content/thumbnails/86.jpg&w=150&h=&zc=1&ft=png)

    https://site.com loads this: LOADS THUMBS

    background: url(https://tvdl.biz/wp-content/plugins/simple-post-thumbnails/timthumb.php?src=/wp-content/thumbnails/53.jpg&w=150&h=&zc=1&ft=png

    Notice src=biz/wp-content vs src=/wp-content

    Any idea how that happened?

    Here is the PHP file.

    <div class="videoitem">
    	<div class="ratings">
        	<?php if(function_exists('the_ratings')) { the_ratings(); } ?>
        <div class="thumbnail">
        	<a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="<?php the_title() ?>"><img style="background: url(<?php echo get_thumbnail($post->ID); ?>)" class="thumb" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/zoom.png" alt="<?php the_title() ?>" /></a>
        <h2 class="itemtitle"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="<?php the_title() ?>"><?php the_title() ?></a></h2>
        <p class="itemdesc"><?php the_content_rss('', FALSE, '', 8); ?></p>
        <small class="gallerydate"><?php the_time('F j, Y'); ?></small>

    So how can src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); be loading differently if it has the www prefix?

    I’m pretty well at a loss on this one.

    This is the only place it happens. (I have not tried the admin panel on the mirror site, it does not need one.)

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