Hi @mvda,
What you said is correct. I think you may need to rethink how you are viewing the situation. I am a freelance developer, I don’t have a team or anything, and I have spent 3 years (on and off) of my life developing this IdeaPush plugin. It was a risk I took with no guaranteed return. I then did the nice thing (which I didn’t have to) of releasing this plugin for free. So you have hundreds of hours of my effort given to you for free. And unlike a lot of pro plugins, the free version of the plugin has a lot of good features. I have also spent hours providing support to resolve plugin issues to people like you for free. I don’t get paid for the free plugin, I don’t get paid for talking to you now.
Then you have asked why I haven’t volunteered more of my time to provide you with support for a generic WordPress developer question. So this is why I ask people to support the plugin by purchasing it and then I am more incentivised to provide this level of support. It should be noted I did the courtesy of pointing you in the right direction of where you can get support if you don’t want to get the pro version. If I was to go beyond my standard support for every free user in the hope they might buy the pro version, 9 times out of 10 (or higher) they still wouldn’t buy the pro version.
I realise the above message is a bit crass and direct, but I do mean well, and I hope this gives you another perspective on what things are like for developers. Thanks ??