• soifone_1


    Hi guys,

    I searched through the forums but couldn’t find anything. If this question was already posted, i’m sorry for being to lazy to find it. ??

    Atm. i’m using bbpress as a forum. But lately I got a urge to have more possibilitys and tried to install WP. I also did that integration thing (for the shared login) and everything is working so far. (Thanks for the nice TUT)

    My Question is: Is it possible to INCLUDE the bbpress forum in wordpress, like if your going to click on a “forum” button and the landing page will be still in wordpress but with bbpress included?

    I found another solution like a WP Forum plugin but how can I import the database rows into the WP Forum? I guess it will be a pain because the rows are differently named.

    So basicly, is it possible to include bbpress into wordpress? If yes, does someone already done this? And can this “someone” help me? If no, is there another possibility getting this worked? I would be awesome to have a forum and the possiblity to generate content besides that in the forum.

    Sorry for my bad english, i’ll hope you guys get what I meant.



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  • uwiuw


    you can start from here integration with wordpress

    and here

    Don’t ditch bbPress because you want to run it in WordPress.

    Try deep integration till bbPress is released as a WordPress plugin.

    Here is my bbPress resource page which has the link of how to deep integrate it with WordPress. Its pretty easy.
    [link moderated]



    till bbPress is released as a WordPress plugin

    Is some kind of ETA for this plugin to be released? So far, they’ve uploaded the files in the plugin repository but I wonder if there’s any active development going on.

    Shane G.



    Check with this plugin:



    Shane G.

    My link to the resource page was moderated? lolz!
    It has happened to me for the first time.
    JJJ is working on it.
    @shane G
    That plugin just shows what additional lines you need to enter in your wp-config.php file, nothing else. Once checked, it can be removed right away as it doesn’t do anything.

    I would still suggest using bbPress deep integration and then calling up WordPress theme functions in bbPress theme.
    I am not going to give the link again, I don’t want anyone to think here that I am trying to spam. If you need any help, you can email me on [email moderated]




    JJJ is working on it.

    Thanks for the info, all I have to do now is wait patiently for it.

    I tried integrating bbPress in my blog and it turned into a fiasco so I deleted it and dropped the tables in the DB.



    But we don’t know how much time we will have to wait. Months? May be few or even more :/

    @mod or wordpress or whosoever

    How someone can actually give some contact information here? If I post a tutorial to help someone, its good because I am giving back to the community but if I am myself a developer, I do actual things which runs the community and then if I give a link to my own tutorial, then I am spamming. Great interpretation!

    Or is it mandatory to comply with such a thing to continue here? One can’t even have any contact information on the profile pages. Are we just bots to help others with a gravatar and nothing else?

    And I wonder what will you do to me if I ask someone to get in touch with me if they are looking for a paid option because people do screw up hard at times.



    I didn’t make the original modifications, so can’t comment on that, however, in general, it is considered better to provide help in the forums, because taking a subject away to email does not benefit the wider community.

    In terms of linking to outside tutorials, some degree of external linkage is normally allowed, but excessive linking or links that do not address the specific question, or deal only with generalities can be moderated.

    Soliciting of paid-for work would most likely be moderated out.

    Thanks for the response!

    Ok! I will provide links only if they are targeted to the exact problem.

    Is there any way to get any contact information of someone through profile to offer paid assistance if that work is more of a paid job? I can’t see URLs at profile pages. I can’t even see mine but I can see yours.

    So we (normal members) are not allowed to have that visible. right? or something else?

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