Also looking for this – I can’t see how to do it in the search options docs (
My use case is to have a page with this month’s future events listed then underneath a separate list with future events, something like this:
This Month’s Events
{events list of future limited to current month here}
Future Events
{event list of all future events starting next month}
I think if you could use the named filters (e.g. future, tomorrow, next-month etc.) to define the start and stop range in the same way you can use 2 dates this would work. e.g.
[events_list scope="tomorrow, future"] (@enricoseeber use case)
[events_list scope="future, month"] (my first requirement)
[events_list scope="next-month, future"] (my 2nd requirement)
if we could have maths on the variables would be even better! (e.g. “today+2, future”)
This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by