we tested with the above plugins our latest free version in all browsers and everything works fine.
It would be easiest to be able to test everything on your WP backend, but unfortunately, WordPress rights do not allow us to send us your login information. So we’re going to have to go step by step like this.
You need to give us more information:
– which browser you are using
– which version of WordPress you are using
– screenshot of the list of active plugins
Also, what would help us the most are two things:
– video recording of the problem you described so that we can understand in more detail what is happening
– The most important thing is to see what mistakes appear in your backend, and we will find out as follows:
1. log in to your WordPress backend, if you are using a Chrome browser go to the three dots at the top right select More Tools -> Developer Tools and then click on the Console tab.
2. then import the slider in our plugin and try to change the background slider and if a red error appears in the Console send us a screenshot of it as well.
Thank you for your cooperation and we wish you a pleasant rest of the day!