• silverlulu



    my site was working fine but now the css won’t load… check it out.


    if you check the source code it says that there is no doc type declaration but there is and it should be working perfectly. (check my code below).

    now if you use firebug and go into the <head> area it suggests that it’s looking for a random css file…

    <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”//s7.addthis.com/static/r07/widget29.css” media=”all”>

    i don’t know where the hell it’s getting that from, or what it is as my code should be pointing to my proper style.css

    if you take out the “//s7.addthis.com/static/r07/widget29.css” in firebug and replace it with the actual path to my css style sheet which is “https://allthebestvids.com/wp-content/themes/Best Vids Theme/style.css” then it works like it should!!!!

    but as you can see in my code, it’s already pointing there and the doc type is there as well. so even though my code looks to be working perfectly something seems to be messing up!!!

    please can someone be a legend and help me out on this? i don’t have any idea what’s wrong with it!

    thanks in advance for any help!

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <?php language_attributes(); ?>><head profile="https://gmpg.org/xfn/11">
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        title="All The Best Videos" href="https://www.allthebestvids.com" /><!-- RSS STUFF -->
    			<?php if (is_home()) { echo bloginfo('name');
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    			echo '404 Not Found';
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    			echo 'Category:'; wp_title('');
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    			echo 'Archives:'; wp_title('');
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        <script type='text/javascript' src='<?php bloginfo ("template_url");?>/js/jquery.color-RGBa-patch.js'></script>
        <script type='text/javascript' src='<?php bloginfo ("template_url");?>/js/example.js'></script>     
    		$page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    		$page = str_replace("/","",$page);
    		$page = str_replace(".php","",$page);
    		$page = str_replace("?s=","",$page);
    		$page = $page ? $page :'default'
    	<body id="<?php echo $page?>">
        <div id="myLogo"> 
        <!-- blog details - work out how to hide it and keep it
        	<h1><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>
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            <?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>
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  • Shane G.



    It seems that you have uploaded theme in the root folder. Please upload wordpress theme at here:

    wordpress installed directory/wp-contents/theme

    Once, you upload theme in theme folder, your issue should be resolved positively.


    Shane G.



    Your problem is there’s no “head” section. You’re closing it at the bottom but it’s never been opened at the top. Open up your header.php file and make sure thre’s a <head> as well as your </head>



    And the Addthis sytlesheet is coming from the Addthis widget you have installed on your site (Share This With Your Homies).



    Actually you have an unclosed script at the very top right before your doctytpe declaration that’s not closed with a </script> and it’s running right into that doctype declaration. It doesn’t actually become closed until the page loads the jquery script (which also means that it’s not loading jquery either, along with your sytle sheet, doctype, etc etc.

    Thread Starter silverlulu


    hi shane, my theme is already in the wp-contents/theme folder so it’s fine.

    alex, if you look at my code in my first post there is a <head> and </head>. all scripts are closed and it should all be working fine. but when i upload that header.php file for some reason it changes and doesn’t work on the actual website.

    that is what’s so strange. the code i posted you guys is the same code in the site, but somewhere in between it gets messed up?

    can anybody help me on this?




    According to firebug in Function.js you have an unclosed string. The very last function call is missing a “}” after the semicolon. Try adding that to see if it works.

    Thread Starter silverlulu



    thanks for your help alex, but i can’t seem to find where function.js is? i wanted to go into the backend of wordpress to take out the addthiswidget but i can’t even access /wp-admin on my site now!

    do you think my site is just fuc<ed and that i should scrap it completely? it’s just so wierd. it was working fine and now it’s lost the plot!



    The two scripts that seem to be giving you trouble belong to the eht-photos plugin and the two scripts that plugin is calling (XMLRequest.js and Functions.js). Try disabling it and see if the site works again. If it does, delete the plugin and reinstall it. Those two JS files are broken as they stand right now.

    Thread Starter silverlulu


    Hiya, i just deleted that whole plugin and the dragtoshare plugin as well but it seems that somewhere along the lines i have messed up the actuall wordpress install files themselves as i have no problem looking at the theme on a different site

    i just copied the theme and used it on a different wordpress site i have, this is how it should look… https://www.mariosuniverse.com/blog/



    If you look at the source in a browser you’ll see that before the doctype declaration you have a busted up javascript file that’s not closed. That is the root of your problem. It appeared that it was because of that photo plugin but apparently it’s not. You have to track down what is injecting that script into the very top of the page and either fix it or remove it.

    Thread Starter silverlulu


    ok thanks for all your help alex, i really appreciate your effort! maybe i should just re-install the whole thing again as i have no idea where it’s coming from!



    Yeah, try that and keep us posted. Hopefully that works.

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