• Resolved DexterG


    One year and six months ago AlenP57 wrote in response to:
    Can’t move media to uploads/ !?

    “Pervious I have reviewed the drag and drop code related to the uploads folder and could not find a reason why drag and drop does not work as the code and all the proper HTML elements are present. You can upload files directly to the Uploads folder but it is not possible to move files from another folder to Uploads.”

    Has this problem been fixed? Or is it still impossible to move media back into the uploads folder once you have moved it to another folder created by MLF?

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  • Plugin Author AlanP57


    Our code include this snippet of Javascript:

    jQuery('#folder-tree').droppable( {
        accept: 'li a.media-attachment',
        hoverClass: 'jstree-anchor',
        drop: handleTreeDropEvent

    All the nodes in the tree contain the jstree-anchor class, even the uploads folder node. Thus it should work. Unfortunately it only triggers a drop event occasionally and I do not know why. You could always upload files directly to the Uploads folder.

    Hi Alan

    With Pro I can reproduce this, because on my system it also does not copy the image to \uploads
    It does not matter if “Move” or “Copy” is set.
    No errors in the debug.
    Let me know if I can help debugging this issue

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Peter Smits.
    Plugin Author AlanP57


    Peter you can see if there is a way to make it trigger the file move. Previously I found that if I kept refreshing the page, that sometime it would work. But I did not notice any change in the HTML during those refreshes.

    Thread Starter DexterG


    AlanP57 wrote: “You could always upload files directly to the Uploads folder.”

    The problem is that I already have many images in subfolders that I want to move back to uploads. If I were to re-upload them as you suggest, I would have to manually re-place them in every post and page where they were previously referenced.

    Hi Alan,

    Ok I will try that for you.
    The page does not change if you move/copy the image.

    Hi Alan

    Tried your suggestion without luck, the image is not moved/copied
    I tried with Chrome as well, also changed the rights of the root to 777
    All that does not help.
    So then I took an image and put it into \uploads with FTP
    Synchronized the folders, so the image was shown in \upload
    I could copy the image to one of my other folders
    Then tried again to move it back, but that does not work
    What I notice is that, the spinner is not shown.
    So the process does not seem to start

    After several attempts, I managed to let it copy once with refreshing
    What I find strange is that the spinner is not shown

    Thread Starter DexterG


    I was able to get it to work twice, out of about 35 tries. I got the spinner both times, which may just be a function of the sizes of the files being moved.

    Interestingly, when I checked the folders using SFTP, I saw that all of the scaled thumbnails (150×150, 300×300, etc.) had been left behind in the “moved from” folder and new ones had been created in the “moved to” folder. The file creation dates and times confirmed this. I’m sure this is immaterial to the problem we are exploring in this thread, but I thought it was worth noting while it was still fresh in my experience.

    Thread Starter DexterG


    I just tried it im Microsoft Edge, before I was using Google Chrome, and got similar results. One successful move after about 50 tries. Once again, I got the spinner during the move and all the scaled thumbnails were left behind in the “moved from” folder. Shouldn’t these have been deleted? Or why not just move everything together, the original image file and its scaled version? But again, that’s not our main concern right now.

    Here’s a thought: I wonder if the thumbnail of the images being moved is triggering a mouse-over event on the “Add File” control which is located right above the “uploads” folder on the screen? Perhaps the solution is simply creating some space, blank or with filler text that could be used for instructional purposes, immediately above the folder hierarchy?

    Hi Dexter

    If you move an image, then default nothing is left in the old folder.
    Without the spinner nothing happens.
    So when it works (spinner shown), the process is obviously disturbed.

    Plugin Author AlanP57


    Normally, thumbnails will be moved it they are listed in the image’s post meta record. And that record is created when the thumbnails are generated. If you figure out what steps one can take move an image without moving the thumbnails, then I should be able to reproduce and fix that.

    Hi Alan

    I think I have found when it goes wrong, and when it is working.
    If you point at the image to move, and you point to the folder while the mouse is visible it does not work!
    If you point to the image, and you drag the image to /uploads where the image covers the /upload folder, then it will be copied.
    I will try if I can catch this within an image, and sent it to you directly

    If you point at the upper right corner of the image and drag it to the left so the icon of the /uploads is half covered by the image, then the copy/move is always working!

    Plugin Author AlanP57


    Yes, if works for me when I grab the image from its top and drop it over the uploads folder. Thank you for your assistance Peter.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by AlanP57.

    I would like to do the opposite. I’m on a quest to clean up the disaster that is the back end of my WP site. For some reason, when I was a “noob” I had all my images uploaded to the /uploads/ folder only. As such, I have a ton of images in the /uploads/ folder. I have since changed WP to upload images to /uploads/year/month/ folder taxonomy.

    I would like to move all the images that sit in /uploads/ into the appropriate /uploads/year/month/ on my site’s doc tree (based on image create date), without completely decimating my front end site that still actively has links/displays many of the images in the root /uploads/ folder.

    I was excited to find your plug in to do this, but after installing realized that you don’t display the actual files in the /uploads/ folder.

    Is there any way for me to do what I describe above other than moving the files individually/manually (like an animal) and then having to go fix the front end pages/code accordingly?


    Did you synchronise with MLF, because that should discover all images present in \uploads.
    But why should you put your images within the old WordPress structure?
    This plugin is developed to create a better structure.
    I would not advice you to put your large amount of images into the old structure.
    It is better to define a proper structure in the storage of the images.
    Once MLF has synchronised your images, you can move them into your new defined structure. MLF will adept the internal links present.
    To define your own structure, you need to set WordPress to NOT use folders based on year month.
    Happy user of MLF with large amount of images organised in separate folders

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