I agree with retroin, Gouri and woolfcom.
It is NOT free.
It has poor design from visual and readability point-of-view.
I paid for and installed DirectoryPress, only to discover that it does NOT work as they promised and their support is awful. I do not recommend DirectoryPress.
It’s clunky and it does not do what they promise.
DirectoryPress WILL NOT HELP you modify the script. They won’t even tell you which of the hundreds of pages of code hold the code you want to change. But they advertise that it is fully modify-able.
I wasted months trying to get it to work well, but finally gave up.
I’m currently looking for another directory script (either wordpress based or standalone) that works well for a directory of brick-and-mortar stores.
I don’t want to do a link directory and I prefer to have a directory that can disable the feature for people to submit listings randomly.