• Resolved Marcel Overr?dder



    My last report was sadly and erroneously tagged as spam (I edited it 4 times, that’s probably why) and then permanently deleted by someone a few minutes later. So here we go again:

    Issue: After installing and activating Visualizer (Pro doesn’t make a difference apparently), “Add New” and “Library” don’t do anything. Just an empty JS call, nothing else. The only thing I could see at this point was the row of filters for the (not yet existing) visualizations.

    Versions / verified bug in these Environments
    – WordPress 4.6.11 & 4.6.20
    – Visualizer 3.4.11
    – Visualizer Pro 1.9.8
    – PHP 5.6 & 7.4
    – MySQL 5.6 & 5.7

    Steps to reproduce:
    – install Visualizer (plugin repo or manually, didn’t matter)
    – install Visualizer PRO (from the archive that can be downloaded at ThemeIsle after purchase)
    – click on any “Add New” or “Library” button related to Visualizer, it won’t do anything. No reload, no white screen of death, just an empty JS call.

    Measures taken in debugging:
    – deleting and reinstalling the Visualizer plugins
    – removing the license and re-entering it
    – tried with and without the PRO Add-On
    – all kinds of file permissions
    – removed all plugins and themes except for Twenty-Sixteen

    The workaround I found:
    WP Query Monitor detects a missing JS dependency with the handle “clipboard”. Since this Bug wasn’t happening with WordPress 5.6, i took a look into the wp-includes there and indeed, there’s a clipboard.min.js. So I took that file and put it into my theme’s /js/ folder and put this into the functions.php:

    function enqueue_clipboard_js_for_visualizer() {
        wp_register_script( 'clipboard', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/clipboard.min.js', array(), $ver = false, $in_footer = false );
    add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_clipboard_js_for_visualizer', 3, false );

    And then it suddenly worked as expected.

    Now, since I got it working for now and have notified you of this possible incompatibility with WP 4.6, the only question left on my behalf is:
    Which version of the clipboard script does Visualizer actually expect? So far, there were no issues with my workaround, but Visualizer has a lot of features and I’d like to know if my version is actually the version of clipboard that Visualizer is expecting when plugged into a WordPress v4.6.20.

    Kind regards,

    Edit: The post I was talking about in the intro is back up. Please reply here:

    Thank You.

    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by Marcel Overr?dder. Reason: original post is back, so this is a duplicate
    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by Marcel Overr?dder. Reason: del-formatting was wrong
    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by Marcel Overr?dder.
  • The topic ‘missing JS dependency clipboard.js’ is closed to new replies.