I’m still a little unsure of how I would modify it to exclude posts from category ID 2 on my home page only.
Here is my loop that I think I need to modify:
function thesis_home_loop() {
$post_count = 1;
$teaser_count = 1;
while (have_posts()) {
if (thesis_is_teaser($post_count)) {
if (($teaser_count % 2) == 1) {
$top = ($post_count == 1) ? ' top' : '';
$open_box = ' <div class="teasers_box' . $top . '">' . "\n\n";
$close_box = '';
$right = false;
else {
$open_box = '';
$close_box = ' </div>' . "\n\n";
$right = true;
if ($open_box != '') {
echo $open_box;
thesis_teaser($classes, $post_count, $right);
if ($close_box != '') {
echo $close_box;
else {
$classes = 'post_box';
if ($post_count == 1)
$classes .= ' top';
thesis_post_box($classes, $post_count);
if ((($teaser_count - 1) % 2) == 1)
echo ' </div>' . "\n\n";
could you help me out?