• Hello,
    I manage over 6000 albums and 48000 photos with WPPA + and it is a great tool.
    However, in the albums admin, it is very difficult to find an album (for example to modify its parent) in the middle of such a quantity.
    It would either need an album search function in the administration (it exists but only for photos), or be able to display the album ID in the front-office.
    Is it possible?
    Thank you

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  • Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    I will provide an album search method in the backend in the next version.
    For the time being, you can use keyword w#id in the album description. This will be replaced by the album id on the album cover, or wherever else the album description is displayed.

    Thread Starter mlecat


    thanks a lot !

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    While getting into this, i found we have already the possibility to quickly find an album.

    On the Album Admin page (the list of albums) near the header is the create New Empty Album button, the Switch to ... table button, but also the Filter by selection box.
    This box shows all indexed words from the album names and descriptions.

    Select one and you will see a smaller list with only the albums that match the searchword.

    Is this sufficient for you?

    Thread Starter mlecat


    Yes, I saw this search possibility but it is quite difficult because the list of indexed words is long and the input of letters for their selection is quite unstable but may be ok.

    The best way for us would be to be able to display the album ID on the front office after the title for certain roles (ex: admin and editor) and then to be able to do a search with the ID in the album admin .

    My webmaster tried a code modification of “wppa-album-covers.php”:

    function wppa_the_album_title ($alb, $href_title, $onclick_title, $title, $target) {
    global $user; $appendToTitle = “”;
    // Get album ID
    if (current_user_can (‘administrator’)) {$album_ID = $album [‘id’]; $appendToTitle = ‘[‘. $album_ID. ‘]’;
    wppa_out ($appendToTitle. ‘</h2>’);

    (there may be extra or missing spaces but it’s because of my Copy / Paste)

    It worked perfectly until your last update but since that update we have of course redone the change that was overwritten but the ID now only appears on the first albums in the menu

    If the search remains as it is today with indexed words, that may be sufficient but if we could get the album ID to appear on the front office it would be of great help to us.`

    Thanks !

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Clear! I will add this feature; it will be optional (a checkbox on the settings page).
    And i will add the possibility to edit album by id on the album admin page.

    I will inform you when a dev version with the changes is available.

    Thanx for the suggestion.

    Thread Starter mlecat


    Great !

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Thanx for your review.

    You can now download:
    and install it as described here:

    These are the changes:

    * New setting: Table II-E10: Album id on cover. Places the album id in parenthesis near the album name on album covers. Selectable: ‘none’ (default), ‘If user has edit access’, ‘Always’.
    * New setting: Table VI-C14: Album id on cover is link. The album number on the cover links to the album admin page of the album for those users who have the rights to edit the album info.
    * On the Album Admin page you can now also enter an album id to edit the album directly without the need to locate the album in the albumtable.

    Note Table VI-C14. Should be especially usefull for you!

    Pls report any issues if there are

    Thread Starter mlecat


    Thanks a lot !
    Anyway, there is a problem :
    the ID appears only here :
    and not in the others albums (for example https://www.photo-bondier-bergerac.fr/albums/1900-1909/ )

    The link will be VERY useful.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Is Table II-E10 set to ‘always’?

    Thread Starter mlecat


    yes it is

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    You cleared all caches?
    Can you imagine any difference between both albums?

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    I saw this:

    .wppa-viewlink, .wppa-info {
        display: none;

    to hide the slideshow/browselink. You can switch it off in Table II-E3.

    Thread Starter mlecat


    I did switch it off but there is no change.

    There is no difference between the albums. The one with the ID is juste the first one in the menu. All the others have no ID.

    Please notice that the ID was present everywhere with our code before your last regular update (not the dev last one) and only in the album 1830-1899 after the update, so it was the same problem.
    I saw there was half less code lines in the new “wppa-album-covers.php” version.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    wppa-album-covers.php has 2266 lines in version
    and 2225 lines in

    The code that does the job is in function wppa_the_album_title():

    // Album id?
    	$show = wppa_opt( 'albumid_on_cover' );
    	$edit = wppa_have_access( $alb ) && current_user_can( 'wppa_admin' );
    	if ( $show == 'all' || ( $show == 'access' && $edit ) ) {
    		if ( wppa_switch( 'fe_albid_edit' ) && $edit ) {
    			$href = get_admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=wppa_admin_menu&wppa_nonce=' . wp_create_nonce( 'wppa_nonce' ) . '&tab=edit&edit_id=' . $alb;
    			$album_id = '
    				href="' . $href . '"
    				title="' . esc_attr( __( 'Edit Album', 'wp-photo-album-plus' ) ) . '"
    				(' . $alb . ')
    		else {
    			$album_id = '
    				title="' . esc_attr( __( 'Album id', 'wp-photo-album-plus' ) ) . '"
    				(' . $alb . ')
    	else {
    		$album_id = '';
    	wppa_out( $album_id );

    where this part:

    else {
    			$album_id = '
    				title="' . esc_attr( __( 'Album id', 'wp-photo-album-plus' ) ) . '"
    				(' . $alb . ')

    should do it for non admins

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Pls try Table II-E8: Count on title
    If that behaves the same, there must be some mechanism that strips <span> tags

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