• Resolved 407mediagroup


    I created a form with WP EasyPay. I am in live mode and connected to square. I am still seeing “You are just one step away – Complete “WP Easy Pay (FREE)” Activation Now.” It will not do anything when clicked. It will not allow me to update the plugin. When i attempt to check the box it says buy license.

    I just want to be able to activate the free license so i can use the free version so the form can render. Why does this have to be so difficult?

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  • wpexpertssupportteam


    Hi @gmmcreative,

    Thank you for contacting us, We are unable to replicate the mentioned issue on our staging environment.

    Our technical team needs some more information from your end so kindly open a support ticket on our official website so we can assist you accordingly.

    I had the same issue, the form does not render on the frontend.
    plugin does nothing.

    I connected to the Live Square API , what worked fine “connected”
    I flipped over to the Sandbox API and set the vars/ location etc.

    The WP site does nothing, the form does not render off the shortcode, theres no hint of a gutenberg block, and none of the supplied / linked docs are relevant to this version of the plugin.

    All the plugin does is connect, then that’s it. There are no further clues

    Hello @steve-pheriche ,

    We are sorry that you had to face this issue. Our hundreds of other users are using the plugin and this issues is not appearing on their websites. There must be some plugin conflict on your website. Please open a support ticket on our official website and we will resolve this issue for you on priority.

    Thank you

    I’ll set up a ticket a little later, but for now here’s some info: for testing I had deactivated all plugins but for the theme (Astra basic) and your plugin.

    The account is connected in the plugin admin, but the response I got from the frontend was a JSON response from Square. (401)

    	"success": false,
    	"message": {
    		"message": "CORS request not allowed from this host. origin=https://pci-connect.squareupsandbox.com",
    		"alreadyLocalized": true
    	"debugInfo": ""

    the full post vars for this tells me their API is rejecting the call

    {"csp-report":{"blocked-uri":"eval","column-number":22,"document-uri":"https://pci-connect.squareupsandbox.com/v2/iframe?type=main&app_id=sandbox-##############################&host_name=##############################","line-number":27,"original-policy":"default-src 'none'; frame-src 'none'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self'; style-src 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self'; script-src 'unsafe-inline' https://js.squareupsandbox.com; report-uri https://squareup.com/1.0/as-reporter/csp/##############################","referrer":"##############################","source-file":"blob:https://pci-connect.squareupsandbox.com/##############################","violated-directive":"script-src"}}

    Hi @steve-pheriche ,

    This information is not enough for us to investigate the issue. Please open a support ticket quickly so our technical team can guide you.


    Hi @steve-pheriche @gmmcreative ,

    Due to a lack of activity, we are going to mark this thread as resolved. If you have any other issues, please feel free to open a new thread.

    Have a great day!


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