More Issues with Script code on “Thank-you-message”
Hey Tom,
I’m able to reproduce that script code error someone else reported on a another old thread.
Please let me know what I can do to help figure this out.`<div class=”wpcf7-response-output” aria-hidden=”true”>Thank you for your message. It has been sent.<br><script><br> var _wpcf7_intel_goal_cnt = _wpcf7_intel_goal_cnt || 0;<br> if (_wpcf7_intel_goal_cnt == 0) {<br> _wpcf7_intel_goal_cnt++;<br> io(‘event’, [{“eventCategory”:”Form submission: Contact+”,”eventAction”:”Private Dining Inquiry”,”eventLabel”:”:wpcf7:192″,”eventValue”:100,”nonInteraction”:false,”oa”:{“rc”:”form”,”rt”:”wpcf7″,”ri”:”:wpcf7:192″,”rk”:192,”2rc”:”submission”,”2ri”:”:wpcf7:192:”}}]);<br>}<br></script></div>
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