Flush cache automatically
Hi @vmarko,
after further testing I recognized that my ajax search function and modal view popup stopped loading with caching. I needed to flush the cache manually so it was working again. I didn’t find any option to set an automatic cache purge option in your plugin though. I’m not sure what cache is causing the issue though but I found this code to flush the entire cache. Is this still working? My cron jobs are set to manual and execute every 30 minutes but it should still be running. It looks like the issue appears every 3-4 hours so I would test it with 4 hours now. That would mean I’d need to replace ‘daily’ with ‘14400’, correct?// Scheduled Action Hook function w3_flush_cache( ) { $w3_plugin_totalcache->flush_all(); } // Schedule Cron Job Event function w3tc_cache_flush() { if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'w3_flush_cache' ) ) { wp_schedule_event( current_time( 'timestamp' ), 'daily', 'w3_flush_cache' ); } } add_action( 'wp', 'w3tc_cache_flush' );
Any thoughts on that and do you know what could cause the issue?
See: https://prnt.sc/10d3qrn and https://prnt.sc/10d3rg9Thank you!
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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