• Resolved AlexPR


    The terms toggle switch which needs to be activated before submitting a review is styled a bit odd in my theme. When checked, the background of the switch changes to white which makes it difficult to see the position of the switch.

    How can I change this color to something else, e.g. green?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Gemini Labs


    You can fix this with some CSS:

    input[type=checkbox]:checked + .glsr-toggle-track {
        color: #d63e2d;

    On another topic, I see that the Cloudflare Rocket Loader is breaking the Site Reviews javascript.

    This may help: https://wpspeedguru.com/knowledge-base/js-and-css/using-cloudflare-rocket-loader-optimizing-js-delivery/

    Thread Starter AlexPR


    Thank you for your quick answer and pointing me to the CLoudFlare error.
    I have now disabled CloudFlare Rocket Loader. How can I verify that CloudFlare is no longer breaking the Reviews JavaScript?

    Plugin Author Gemini Labs


    Ah, now that Rocket Loader is disabled I can see what the issue is.

    It looks like there is a problem with the javascript snippet provided on the FAQ page to hide the form after a review submission.

    Please update to Site Reviews v5.8.2, then update the snippet you are using with the updated FAQ example.

    After you have done this, you should be able to reactivate the Cloudflare Rocket Loader.

    Thread Starter AlexPR


    Thank you so much for this insight analysis. I fixed the issues and reactivated CloudFlare Rocket Loader. Could you please double check if the errors are fixed now?

    Plugin Author Gemini Labs


    Looks good.

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