There could be many reasons why the plugin does not work on your site. Issues usually arise from javascript errors. If there is a javascript error, then the scroll and rotate methods won’t work as they require javascript to run.
Keep in mind with the latest updates of WordPress there is more potential for javascript errors occurring from plugins and themes you have been using if they have not been updated and optimized to run with the latest version of jQuery now packaged in the WP core.
If you can leave a support question stating your issues I can try to help you out and may be able to easily track down the issue (if you can provide your site URL and more information).
I would appreciate if you did this as I’d like to know if there are any issues that I can resolve on my end. Unfortunately, with all the different themes/plugins out there I am unable to test everything. I rely on user’s letting me know if they have issues with specific frameworks and themes. Every once in a while there is some issue in my code that I do resolve, but most of the time the issues stems from some sort of javascript error coming from another plugin or theme which I have no control over.