• How can I call BP Breadcrumbs into my theme header

    BP Breadcrumbs
    bp_breadcrumbs_add( $name, $url, $desc, $parms, $img )

    Theme Header

    <div id="breadcrumbs">
    	<div class="container">
    		<?php if(function_exists('bcn_display')) { bcn_display(); }
    			  else { ?>
    				    <a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>"><?php _e('Home','TheCorporation') ?></a> ?
    					<?php if( is_tag() ) { ?>
    						<?php _e('Posts Tagged "','TheCorporation') ?><?php single_tag_title(); echo('"'); ?>
    					<?php } elseif (is_day()) { ?>
    						<?php _e('Posts made in','TheCorporation') ?> <?php the_time('F jS, Y'); ?>
    					<?php } elseif (is_month()) { ?>
    						<?php _e('Posts made in','TheCorporation') ?> <?php the_time('F, Y'); ?>
    					<?php } elseif (is_year()) { ?>
    						<?php _e('Posts made in','TheCorporation') ?> <?php the_time('Y'); ?>
    					<?php } elseif (is_search()) { ?>
    						<?php _e('Search results for','TheCorporation') ?> <?php the_search_query() ?>
    					<?php } elseif (is_single()) { ?>
    						<?php $category = get_the_category();
    							  $catlink = get_category_link( $category[0]->cat_ID );
    							  echo ('<a href="'.$catlink.'">'.$category[0]->cat_name.'</a> ? '.get_the_title()); ?>
    					<?php } elseif (is_category()) { ?>
    						<?php single_cat_title(); ?>
    					<?php } elseif (is_author()) { ?>
    						<?php _e('Posts by ','TheCorporation'); echo ' ',$curauth->nickname; ?>
    					<?php } elseif (is_page()) { ?>
    						<?php wp_title(''); ?>
    					<?php }; ?>
    		<?php }; ?>
    	</div> <!-- end .container -->
    </div> <!-- end #breadcrumbs -->


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  • Thread Starter murrayac


    bump, I need some help thanks

    Thread Starter murrayac


    bumb, bump, I used a double bump

    Hey Muz…. Saw your other post, but the topic was closed. Any chance you found an event registration plugin that works together with the users/subscribers list? I’ve been looking for this as well. I found a solution (I think) but it’s $100. This seems like something that should be pretty simple. Appreciate any info! Thanks man.


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