Hi @bsfrahul,
here’s what’s happening, yesterday I did some changes on the header but nothing changes it was still not working at 100% zoom.. but today I checked and the header appeared fine at 100% zoom but the Nav-menu was missing;
So I went to edit the Nav-menu and column was still there but empty, so i removed it and added new one and it looks fine but still not showing on the header;
I did switch to “Twenty Twenty-One” theme, the header is showing at 100% zoom, but the Nav-menu is missing there too.. plus Twenty Twenty-One” theme appear kinda messed up too as the “featured image” appear repeated allover the entire front page while in Rife-free theme there’s no background image set anywhere;
anyway, the fact that things don’t change when i want them to and then change by themselves while I’m not even on the site is weird enough.. so at this point I’m thinking there is a security or bug issue in either Rife theme, Elementor or WordPress itself!
Note: things that i remember i changed yesterday includes switching to the theme template, disabled the theme header, editing current header, changed user rule from “logged in” to “all” on “Header, Footer & Blocks” cleaned history/cache etc.. but as i said those changes only appeared till today;
anyway, Thanks for your time.. hope you can make something out of this info!
have a good one!